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  1. Oops-a-daisy!

    Neon Blue Apatite

    Sacha - They're just heated and I can live with that. Only green diamonds for the gardening dahling - hard wearing and a perfect match for my gardening gloves! :D
  2. Oops-a-daisy!

    Neon Blue Apatite

    Thanks all for your feedback. Yes, I am going to keep it NR because the gemstones are so mesmerizing. I won't be wearing it to the palace but it'll do for everyday! :giggle: I know what you mean Fluff - I keep buying the simple solitaires, so I'm trying to develop my wild side and branch out...
  3. Oops-a-daisy!

    Gift Vouchers please Rocks?

    Thanks John for taking the time to reply. My friend does have an account already set up with you, so thank you for your offer and I'll contact Katherine on Monday. I'm sure she'll be grateful I'm not choosing for her!
  4. Oops-a-daisy!

    Happy Birthday Katherine Stass!

    Wishing you a very happy day Katherine. M xx (bonbon)
  5. Oops-a-daisy!

    Neon Blue Apatite

    I thought I'd share my Neon Apatite ring which arrived yesterday. I'm not too sure about the design, but the gemstones are this amazing electric blue with a tint of green. My OH said it was just like a Paraiba with its own light source. This is from a man who only recognized rubies, sapphires...
  6. Oops-a-daisy!

    Gift Vouchers please Rocks?

    I'm guessing that's a 'no' then. :thinking2: Maybe it would be too complicated for their accounting systems, handling all the credits etc.? Oh well... maybe one day they may reconsider (wishful thinking). Thanks ladies for your support. I'm glad I'm not the only one who would have made good...
  7. Oops-a-daisy!

    An "I told you so" delivery!!! RS haters - look away!

    Awwwww.... well never mind Meesh. Just think of what you can spend the refund on now!
  8. Oops-a-daisy!

    Delivery Status? GemsTV

    :lolwave: Sacha. I don't want to spoil her surprise! I'm sure she'll enlighten you later. All I'll say is that it's delicate, feminine and very sweet, just like our Fluff.
  9. Oops-a-daisy!

    Delivery Status? GemsTV

    I believe you Fluff - truly! :D
  10. Oops-a-daisy!

    Delivery Status? GemsTV

    Great minds eh Sacha? lol
  11. Oops-a-daisy!

    Delivery Status? GemsTV

    Hi Trish I've just had a thought! It's happened to me in the past that by the time I've written my post (taken too long) and gone to post it, the system has automatically logged me out and I get the message that I'm not logged in. Also if I've gone off and made a cup of tea and come back, so...
  12. Oops-a-daisy!

    Delivery Status? GemsTV

    Oops silly me, having a blonde moment (except I'm not blonde)! I remember now you found your 'Prince'. I thought maybe one wasn't enough and you fancied another one! :lolwave: No I didn't send the necklace back. It's so pretty and feminine. I think you'll love it (hope so anyway)...
  13. Oops-a-daisy!

    Delivery Status? GemsTV

    P.S. On the bright side at least the deliveries from Gems aren't taking as long as Rocks & Co. As a friend said to me last night, she's had 91 deliveries from Gems in the time it's taken to get my 1 from R&Co! :giggle:
  14. Oops-a-daisy!

    Delivery Status? GemsTV

    Hi Fluff Really? ..... REALLY? Wow, this is such great news.:clapping: I hope this is the 'one'. You certainly deserve it after waiting so long hon. I can't wait to hear the review. So exciting ....:happy: M xx
  15. Oops-a-daisy!

    Delivery Status? GemsTV

    Oh Tia, it's so blooming annoying isn't it, when you're anxiously waiting for your bling? I hope they get back to you soon. I know they've had the ultra clearance, but I'm suspecting that the people opting for next/named delivery are now taking priority and pushing all the premium shippers...
  16. Oops-a-daisy!

    Delivery Status? GemsTV

    Hi Trish I've just received the email confirmation saying my order has now been shipped. We ordered about the same time, so hopefully your order is on the way too? Hope you love your earrings when they arrive. M xx
  17. Oops-a-daisy!

    An "I told you so" delivery!!! RS haters - look away!

    Fluff, this is because this isn't the real 'Meesh'. The original 'Meeshoo' doesn't like fancy sapphires, hates pink and is always decisive. What have you done with her? :lolwave:
  18. Oops-a-daisy!

    Small delievery

    The bronze pendant and ring are a match made in heaven. I love the colour of the green gemcherub but if you won't wear both rings, I'd get a matching pair of earrings and send the green one home. Love, love your pendant. :-)
  19. Oops-a-daisy!

    Delivery Status? GemsTV

    Hi TopazTrish I checked out my basket Sunday evening and my order is still 'in progress' too. It'll change to 'shipped' once it's been despatched. I called CS this morning to check on a delivery date and was told it should be shipped sometime this week! I think they're taking a longer time...
  20. Oops-a-daisy!

    Amazon Quart - What colour is it?

    What was I thinking? :doh: I think a glass of two of this may have been involved! :devil: