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  1. petpixie

    my obsession photography

    They're all excellent ~ my favourite is the moon. Love it!
  2. petpixie

    Howard ideal extra 9pm Tom Tom show

    I think the potions she sells come bottom of the pile re the fab condition of her skin.
  3. petpixie


    If I'm in the mood there's nothing better than getting stuck into a good cleaning session. Great exercise and sparkling house ~ fab! If I'm not in the mood then it's a horrible chore. If I lived on my own I wouldn't mind so much, but it's disheartening to know that the men in the house don't...
  4. petpixie

    Genie Line Smoother.

    I tried it a couple of years ago and it was totally useless (I can't emphasize just how useless enough!). It's one of the very few products I've sent back ~ I've also tried eyesential which if you get the application right does work, but not for nearly as long as they say. My advice is don't buy...
  5. petpixie

    Washing machines

    I've not got a great track record when it comes to the longevity of washing machines. I probably over fill them which doesn't help. My first was a second hand twin tub! What a little nightmare that was! It sloshed and danced it's way round the kitchen and I had to steel myself to use it. On...
  6. petpixie

    Nina Leonard Hot Pick - Trousers

    Whatever it is the trousers are hideous, frumpy and beyond hideous.
  7. petpixie

    Celebrity Big Brother 2013

    Just goes to show no one likes being sent to Coventry. Human beings are essentially pack animals and even the toughest nuts crack under the pressure. Being on the fringes of the fold is preferable to being completely out in the cold.
  8. petpixie

    Celebrity Big Brother 2013

    :grin: Awful isn't it? He needs a good going over with some LG balance and brighten!
  9. petpixie


    I haven't seen it, but I do love Ruth Jones so I'll make a point catching up on it.
  10. petpixie

    Celebrity Big Brother 2013

    Speidi have undoubtedly been great entertainment. I wonder if there would have been some sort of conflict amongst the others had they not been there? A case of banding together against the greater evil? We'll never know! I definitely don't want them to win or to be in any way lauded though...
  11. petpixie

    Happy Birthday SparklyBarbs!

    Hope you have a great day Sparkly! x
  12. petpixie

    Celebrity Big Brother 2013

    It may be contrived, but Speidi are showing themselves to be pretty despicable people. Laughing and clapping in the face of someone's obvious distress is pretty low (and hard to do!). I think Heidi may have felt uncomfortable at at one point, but 'the game' took precedent over feelings and she...
  13. petpixie

    Alternate day fasting

    Don't give in JBD!! If it's any comfort at all, I feel the same!!! Step back from the fridge!!!
  14. petpixie


    As a smoker myself I appreciate just how difficult it is to stop LEL! Well done on cutting down which is hard enough!
  15. petpixie


    So sorry you've had such a difficult time LEL. I personally have no experience of statins, but my I do know that my friend (who is a doctor) is firmly against their use and believes they cause more problems than they cure. Have you discussed alternative ways to lower your cholesterol with your...
  16. petpixie

    Another corker from the Flint school of selling

    She really lets herself down when she comes out with rubbish like that. I'm surprised Q haven't pulled her up for it. It's tacky sales spiel like this that give tv shopping a bad name.
  17. petpixie

    Celebrity Big Brother 2013

    I can't really be bothered to post anything tonight as it was such a yawnfest it doesn't really merit a post but I'll give it a go.... Boring!!!! The only part of the show I can comment on is Heidi's little love speech which brought Gillian to tears. What a load of drivel!! Either the girl is...
  18. petpixie

    It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas......

    It's just started to snow pretty heavily here bang on the time it was forecast ~ I'm impressed!
  19. petpixie

    Alternate day fasting

    Not sure whether I should start a new thread with this one or not. I purchased the Paul McKenna Hypnotic gastric band and used it for the first time yesterday. I don't know if it's going to continue but since using it I'm not hungry!!! I'm not overweight but I work hard to stay there and I'm...
  20. petpixie

    Careful, now, you'll have her eye out....

    I keep mine shortish and squared. The long square looks terrible and the long pointy looks hideous imo.