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  1. Greg

    Random musings and general banter.

    Yeh, you're right. It's a load of unrecognised brands (useless Chinese/Indian made tat)pre-fixed with the word 'premium' in the vain hope of tricking thicko consumers that this **** has some sort of quality about it.
  2. Greg

    Rename Ideal world TV The Sally Jacks Channel

    I hate the screeching and bawling. It's why I hardly bother watching Ideal World these days. At least the car crash nature of Bid TV was somewhat entertaining and worth having a laugh at. Ideal World is just one long never-ending tragic M1 motorway pile-up...
  3. Greg

    Win Cash Live

    What a suprise....not! Wincraplive was awful. This 'Lean Forward' network would have been better off developing p*rn channels rather than this shite.
  4. Greg

    Which Ideal World presenter would make the best date on Halloween night?

    Ok ladies and gents. Don't pull your punches now. Say how you really feel...:mysmilie_59:
  5. Greg

    Which Ideal World presenter would make the best date on Halloween night?

    It's coming up at the end of this month. Who would fit the bill? Where would you take them? What gift would you buy them?
  6. Greg

    Howard and his Camel Hump.

    I don't want to hear anything of Gollum's 'ring', or his nut sacks, to be frank.
  7. Greg

    Rename Ideal world TV The Sally Jacks Channel

    You totally summed IW up. It's just sellling loads of crap with cringeworthy presenters. That Sal just screeches and makes me instantly switch over when she is on.
  8. Greg

    Random musings and general banter.

    I thought Sal was talking about how she found her life partner...
  9. Greg

    Random musings and general banter.

    I would be very wary of buying anything from Afibel. Just a look at their website makes me suspicious. In each catagory of goods all the products begin with the same letter. Who does that? Strange. The prices look expensive for what the items actually are. Another oddity. I'm surprised Ideal...
  10. Greg

    Peter Simon and the Back Rola

    I really wish he would shitzov...
  11. Greg

    Uh, Uh, Jane Plan, Uh I'm going to explode, 18 minutes in.....

    Yup, these meal programmes are a rip-off in my opinion. They are not that good if you have to supplement with other products. I prefer to buy fresh products and make my own balanced meals. The thought of Sally screeching away shilling this product makes me want to throw up last night's dinner...
  12. Greg

    Uh, Uh, Jane Plan, Uh I'm going to explode, 18 minutes in.....

    deleted. double post
  13. Greg

    Sally Jacks.

    I feel sorry for Sally's new husband, havng that screamng banshee moaning at him every night when he's back from the pub...
  14. Greg

    Ice cream maker!

    Just seen a video of this product on the IW website. What a pile of useless sh*te this is! 21 quid is way too much a metal plate that makes four teaspoons of the stuff. Even Bid TV wouldn't have sold crap like this...IW are really scraping the barrell.
  15. Greg

    Random musings and general banter.

    It's for people with four arms...:mysmilie_11:
  16. Greg

    Moissanite presenter

    The way Peter is uber-shouty one minute then suddenly whispering in reverential hushed tones the next (Kinkade prints shows) is beyond hilarious and is just plain creepy. He deserves all the ridicule he gets on here.
  17. Greg

    Random musings and general banter.

    I think the biggest difference is that American Selly Telly - QVC in particular, seem to employ former models and other 'perfect looking' people as presenters compared to Ideal World's 'butt-ugly' characters such as Gollum, Shreque and Pervy Pete. You can't get a bigger contrast than that..
  18. Greg

    Random musings and general banter.

    I like gong into physical shops to look at an item then get a better deal buying online (not rip-off merchants Ideal World, obviously) buying much cheaper. Shops are now for browsing. The internet is for buying! :happy:
  19. Greg

    Random musings and general banter.

    They're freaks, the equivalent of cowboy door-to-door salesmen that get reported on 'Rogue Traders' and 'Watchdog'.
  20. Greg

    Pope Pete's eloquent words

    I honestly don't think Peter Simon is that far away from swearing and humiliating the viewers into buying the crap. I'm sure he would, if he could if it meant a sale...