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  1. Greg

    Not up to Quality expected

    It is terrible customer service. They have you over a barrell. Amazon has a button you can press to cancel the order.
  2. Greg

    Not up to Quality expected

    They are thieves, all of the TV shopping channels. Don't you realise, they all take the piss!
  3. Greg

    chef joes blog

    Hilarious isn't it. They must have new management reassigning the staff fancy new job titles. It's like Dick Dastardly pinning a new medal onto Muttley the dog for being so obedient to his master.
  4. Greg

    Lumio Lights Projector

    ...and Ideal World's prodicts are not cheap and nasty? What planet are you on? They must live on a parallel universe in Chorley.
  5. Greg

    Random musings and general banter.

    Problem with Sally, Mike and Peter, they sound as if they are selling clothes down Peckham Market. I fnd it difficult to take their 'fashion' seriuosly. They may as well be selling second hand clothes in Oxfam or Age Conern.
  6. Greg

    Excellent Service!

    Amazon logistics are great. They deliver on Saturday and Sunday next day.
  7. Greg

    Groundhog Day

    Were the presenters playing Pokeyourmom Go?
  8. Greg

    Moissanite sold out

    Compared to the **** fest that is Ideal World, it is...
  9. Greg

    Random musings and general banter.

    Yes. Do it if you care about your mental well-being.
  10. Greg

    Excellent Service!

    QVC charge top dollar for p&p and use the slowest/cheapest carrier to deliver. That is QVC customer service for you. It's crap
  11. Greg

    Random musings and general banter.

    The Ideal World catwalk currently on looks like a flippin' grave plot with a headstone. RIP IW!
  12. Greg

    Not up to Quality expected

    That's what you get for buying from a tin pot business.
  13. Greg

    Moissanite sold out

    Why do you want to buy that load of rubbish for?
  14. Greg

    Random musings and general banter.

    What's worse: Shaun going on abut his mum or Sally talking her flipping wedding???
  15. Greg

    Which type of QVC shopper are you?

    What type of QVC shopper are you? By the way, a 'bin lid' is a shopper who willingly hands over their credit/debit card and allows QVC to open their 'bin lid' to throw any trash in it.
  16. Greg

    Social Media - That was an eyeopener

    What a bunch of saddos some of the QVC bin lids are. I am finding it difficult to believe that these weirdos are not plants or staff members themselves posting. They live in a parralel world.
  17. Greg

    Random musings and general banter.

    It's flogging crap desperately. It's sad. It won't long before its meerkat statues and ticky tacky garden ornaments. It's getting more ****.
  18. Greg

    Random musings and general banter.

    Ugh. Ugly, overpriced Vostock watches. If anyone gifted me these watches, I would instantly 'unfriend' them! "Every watch tells a story..." - Oh, feck off, Kev. "This watch is a steal" - what kind of language is that to describe 'high-quality' 'high end' timepieces? He sounds like Delboy...
  19. Greg

    Random musings and general banter.

    Totally agree with you, merryone. Ideal World watches = Kinkade 'art' i.e. cheap commercial crap for the masses worth next to nothing. It's the rubbish that ends up in Oxfam or Age Concern shops or end up in skips. Back in the eighties, I used to think Rosina Wachtmeister was good art (we...
  20. Greg

    Social Media - That was an eyeopener

    Erm...wasn't Halloween last week? :devil::devil: