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  1. cupcake

    Alcohol in products

    I agree with LE Lover about the inconsistency of things (they often forget to mention SLS, mineral oil and Propylene Glycol is in many of their products - along with a load of other things I can't remember!). QVC really need to start listing what's in everything on the website so we can decide...
  2. cupcake

    Alcohol in products

    As Liz is BUAV approved, there is no way whale oil has been near any of her products so panic not!
  3. cupcake

    What was your best buy in 2009?

    My Slanket and A'kin skin care as it's really made a difference to my complexion.
  4. cupcake

    Best shampoo and conditioner?

    I like A'kin and Aveda best out of that list, although I do love the Ojon Treatment Oil thingy.
  5. cupcake

    Beauty Day - Ojon TSV - Saturday 19th December

    I do - after I've distributed it through my hair with my hands and massaged my scalp.
  6. cupcake

    which presenter/guest would you like to find in your xmas stocking.

    LE lover - when I first saw your post I thought you meant Basso!!! I'd go for Denis Ojon as well. :mysmilie_1634::mysmilie_1634: Oh - and I bet it would be fun to find Harald in your stocking too (in a non sexual manner).
  7. cupcake

    Bargain buy for the man in your life

    I've just thrown up in my mouth.
  8. cupcake

    Jerome Alexander Touch of Gold Pick of the Day

    I only watched part of it last night - too tired to stay up - but it appeared that the poor model was leaning back alot whenever he came near her with a brush. Also he kept holding the products up right in front of her face when discussing them, which I thought was rude.
  9. cupcake

    Elemis TSV 6/12/09

    yes its supposed to be I think - although the Nourishing one is the one the Beauty Bible etc raved about as being more anti-aging. I can't use heavy creams cos they make my rosacea flare up but this seems perfect - hydrating enough to stop the dehydration but light enough not to clog my pores...
  10. cupcake

    'Awaiting Stock'

    yes it's great!
  11. cupcake

    Elemis TSV 6/12/09

    Thanks Kitten. I'm not sure what the ingredient is/are that make it veggie rather than vegan. I think maybe its their testing policy instead - maybe they don't have a cut off date, or buy their ingredients from someone who does test (even though Elemis don't). Glad it works for you though...
  12. cupcake

    Christmas Card ?

    Never had one either ... ho hum.
  13. cupcake

    Elemis TSV 6/12/09

    Kitten / LE Lover ... The PCMC is really highly scented (and I wasn't keen on the smell tbh) and I was worried my skin would react to it as it's so contrary. Also, I discovered it was veggie not vegan so wouldn't have been able to use it anyway and couldn't be bothered to go to the faff of...
  14. cupcake

    Favourite Skincare/Beauty ranges

    A'kin and Smashbox for me. Cavegirl - you should definitely try the A'kin Radiance Serum. I love it. Think it much better than their Rosehip Oil.
  15. cupcake

    Elemis TSV 6/12/09

    I returned mine (unused) yesterday so they will have one in stock at least by the end of this week/early next week.
  16. cupcake

    QVC Beauty Bash Jan 21st

    Nothing here either - never get anything from QVC (postcards, samples, those elusive vouchers/codes) so not really surprised. Hope everyone that goes has a fantastic time though.
  17. cupcake

    Tua Tre'nd Has anyone tried it?

    Never tried that but I have a Nuface which is amazing ... if you use it regularly (I've gotten a bit lazy with it lately).
  18. cupcake

    lots of elemis on e-bay

    I had a similar thought - I can't use the cleanser as it has beeswax in it. Haven't got around to selling it yet. I do want to try the PCMC though ... if I can get past the smell.
  19. cupcake

    Beauty Day - Ojon TSV - Saturday 19th December

    I didn't find the treatment spray did much for my hair. At times it made it feel crispy and it never made it feel any softer that it did without - or tame any frizzies. Oh - and the shampoo/conditioner in here left me with hair like Wurzel Gummidge. Love the treatment in the pot though!
  20. cupcake

    Green People show Monday 7.12.09 at 5pm

    I love their products too and have quite a few facial ones on the go at the moment (inc mask, night time treatment, eye cream and SPF day cream) but I agree ... I won't be giving IW any of my money! Was a lovely show, just wish there had been less of Denise's waffle and more from Charlotte and...