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  1. cupcake

    Sent anything back after 14 day mbg?

    or long enough given how much time it takes them to send/deliver stuff.
  2. cupcake

    Another QVC traitor!

    I quite like the smell of them (got some samples from her site) but she doesn't seem to know much about her products, despite claiming she invented them!
  3. cupcake

    Alpha-H TSV 28/1/10

    personally I'd avoid glycolics if you have sensitive skin as it can make the matter worse. If your skin is going bonkers, I'd just use a very simple/basic routine for a while until it settles down.
  4. cupcake


    I take my eye make-up off with it and have never had any stinging.
  5. cupcake


    Yep that would be too rich for you then unless you have very dry skin - it's even too rich for me and my face can be prone to dehydration at this time of year. I think they like to refer to it as their anti-ager (well QVC do at any rate). You'd be better off with the Rose De Mai which has a...
  6. cupcake


    Which moisturiser was it you used? In most kits they seem to include the Rosehip & Shea one which IS rich. Maybe contact Mypure or another vendor and see if they can send you samples of the Rose De Mai, the sensitive one and the oil free one and see if one of those works. I must admit, the...
  7. cupcake


    I'm reading Toxic Beauty by Dawn Mellorship, and prior to that I read Not Just a Pretty Face: the Ugly Side of the Beauty Industry by Stacey Malkan. That one is very much about the US but still very eye opening. I also love The Green Beauty Guide by Julie Gabriel. I bought that over a year...
  8. cupcake

    Cosy and serviceable!

    Now THAT (munchy seeds) I DO like, esp. the chilli mix ones. What's the betting they'd be past their sell by date by the order arrived?
  9. cupcake


    Good book isn't it?! Re: reaction, the only one I have had with A'kin is with the Rosehip & Shea face cream - it made my rosacea flare up (I get red lumps when my skin doesn't like something) after a week or so as it was too rich for my face, haven't gone red with it or anything. Maybe stop...
  10. cupcake

    Cosy and serviceable!

    Good lord!! That skirt is beyond hideous! What a mishmash. :mysmilie_81: can't wait to see Ju and Shelagh modelling that one ...
  11. cupcake


    Interesting re: parabens. I've just finished the Ugly Side of Beauty and am now reading Toxic Beauty and both say parabens are oestrogenic and can be found in breast tissue (and that some times have been found in urine as well) . I've also learnt, which I didn't know, that the US uses...
  12. cupcake

    Daffy duck ?????

    I agree Maz. I think this example, for one, takes the biscuit. Who on earth needs a mini brow lift at 23, and mores to the point, why on earth would a surgeon agree to do one (+ 9 other procedures in one day!) on someone so young?! She'll end up looking like MJ at this rate by the time she's...
  13. cupcake

    LE C&P - the reason for the removel of almond milk

    That annoys me too and I'm beginning to take what the Beauty Bibles say with a pinch of salt as they are so far up Ms Earle's rear its unbearable.
  14. cupcake


    Hope you continue to enjoy it Tyson. I can't use most of LE's facial range either - gives me dreadful lumps and bumps!
  15. cupcake


    My foundation is still going strong and I've been using it since last summer. At least a year I'd say (it comes in a big dark pot, and you decant small amounts into a smaller container for daily use). I can't seen any names I recognise as synthetic/chemical on the A'kin packaging so maybe its...
  16. cupcake


    I found the foundation too drying on me although I do applaud them for having such a good range of colours to chose from. BE made me itchy and shiny and never covered any red bits like their demos do (so I can only assume they apply a lot!). Christopher Drummond is the best mineral foundation...
  17. cupcake


    Apparently the new Green People make-up is very good (a lovely member has tried it and raved about it to me). As a brand, they are very fussy about what ingredients they use. Brands such as Nvey and Elsambrye are supposed to be pretty 'green' as well (although I haven't used them so not sure...
  18. cupcake


    shows BTW - there are some A'kin 1hr shows on 29th january.
  19. cupcake


    I love A'kin as it really helped to improve the condition of my skin (people have been commenting on how good it looks since I began using the range - although I do use some other brands as well such as Green people, Weleda and Neals Yard). My top A'kin products are ... Cellular Radiance...