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  1. R

    Random musings and general banter.

    Well words fail me. What an absolute slimeball Becque is. Just seen him talking about that Elife electric bike that costs £800. He literally said "come on, £200 is your first payment. You can pay that by debit card or credit card. I think it was about 12 months ago now I bought a teeter table. I...
  2. R

    6 Easy Pays on Dyson Hairdryer might be coming soon

    There is a guy on Youtube who posts videos of him taking things apart. He is a bit of a strange one with some of his language, he is from somewhere around Texas I think, and he has words which I'm sure he makes up :mysmilie_19: But his videos are a good watch and he really knows his stuff...
  3. R

    Social Media - That was an eyeopener

    He has obviously blagged his way into working for tech companies. Trouble is, he gets his face on TV, and then it is probably appealing to other companies to have a "known face" onboard. I maintain he doesn't know anything like as much as he claims to with regards technology. The fact that in...
  4. R

    6 Easy Pays on Dyson Hairdryer might be coming soon

    I know it is expensive, but if you can stretch to it, there are some places doing the hot/cold fan for £299. £289 here:
  5. R

    Social Media - That was an eyeopener

    Well I posted on QVC's Facebook page about my run in with Hohbein, and needless to say, nobody from QVC has bothered responding. Got lots of thumbs up, and some nice replies from other Facebook users, but bugger all from QVC, which I suppose is to be expected. I've noticed before on LH's...
  6. R

    Dyson TSV 02/03/19

    I decided to take the plunge and buy a V10 (not from QVC) and I have to say, it is a very impressive piece of kit. I thought I'd do the "Dyson challenge" and hoover up with my upright corded Hoover vacuum first, and then followed by the Dyson. It's amazing how much the Dyson sucked up even...
  7. R

    Social Media - That was an eyeopener

    Well, it seems Hohbein doesn't like people questioning his "expertise" on Twitter, as it seems he has blocked me :mysmilie_11: I posted on his Twitter feed when they featured a Samsung TV as a TSV. Somebody asked him on Twitter if it was a high end TV, to which he replied yes, and that it had...
  8. R

    Random musings and general banter.

    How the hell can that phone not have a dedicated period key on the keyboard? That totally defeats the purpose of supposedly faster typing with physical keys.
  9. R

    Random musings and general banter.

    I cannot wait for the next time they have a refurb iPhone on, especially if tech girl is on as well. She made a big deal of how the STK phone has expandable memory, and that some phones don't let you do that. That you need to resort to using cloud storage and paying a monthly fee and she doesn't...
  10. R

    Peter Simon

    Three words spring to mind "John Wayne Gacy"
  11. R

    Peter Simon

    Has it been mentioned in this thread that he used to play Ronald McDonald for McDonalds? First time I think I have been made aware of it. He literally was a clown.....couldn't ever shake that off I guess :)
  12. R

    "Video exercises!".....

    NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, stop it you nincompoop. Abby whatsherface getting over excited that one of the Fitbits has "video exercises" is really getting on my pip. Three frames of animation does not equal video you daft bint. She talks like it's displaying 4k 60 frames per second video, when in...
  13. R

    Random musings and general banter.

    I've noticed that screeching Jacks looks exactly the same as she did a couple of years back. No change in her body size/type at all. Howcome in all that time, with all the exercise equipment she owns, she hasn't lost a single ounce by the looks of things.
  14. R

    New look for QVC US

    I'll never understand why these massive companies think that a logo change is ever something meaningful. The money it must cost rebranding every single item that features the logo must be enormous.
  15. R

    Random musings and general banter.

    I guess the only positive I can take away from her, is that at least she doesn't keep reminding us that she worked for the BBC or Apple every five minutes, in an attempt to earn our trust and believe everything she says
  16. R

    Random musings and general banter.

    It's amazing when they try and sell the phones on the back of features that are merely android apps, tather than phone dependant. Google Lens being a prime example, despite Vol au vent proclaiming "This is amazing, I've never seen anything like this on a phone before" Listen dummy, you are the...
  17. R

    Gok Wan

    How long before the creepy dude is trying to convince the presenters to stand there naked and love their own bodies?
  18. R

    Move over Richard & your Flower Power Compost.....

    Thread title needs a change, as I believe Richard Jacksons product is called "flarr parr" :) he will insist on pronouncing like that for some reason.
  19. R

    Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies! / caught in the act!

    Glenn Campbell spouts endless drivel. It's amazing how his mouth keeps going non-stop. He said on one show, "simple design, simple colours. Let the fabric tell the story of the outfit" What a load of pretentious twaddle. And as I have mentioned here before, his short trousers get on my teets.
  20. R

    Random musings and general banter.

    Callum Best!!?? Hasn't his life been pretty much one train wreck after another? And nothing surprises me about Vol au vent anymore. Anybody who can maintain that creepy smile while staring at the camera is capable of anything :)