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  1. R

    Samsung TSV 16/3/19

    It'l be interesting to see what they price that at now that the S10 is out.
  2. R

    Random musings and general banter.

    I see Nanty is starting to get a helicopter landing pad on the back of his head. He's 50 this year you know, and if he is starting to go bald it will give him something else to bang on about as well.
  3. R

    Random musings and general banter.

    Oh man...presenters, if you are going to lie, then you need a good memory! Jimmy Saville during the Vario Brush show, went to the Bosch Vac and said "60 percent of the stock has gone of this" A whole week ago, she was presenting that vac and was pleading for people to order it because she...
  4. R

    £598.98 now £649.92???

    So they are showing a Samsung Galaxy Note 8 (a phone well over a year old) on QVC extra for sale at £649.92, with a supposed previous price of £598.98 (that last price in itself is expensive for that model.) I'm assuming they have actually had it on offer for the cheaper price before now, which...
  5. R

    Random musings and general banter.

    Talking about the Bosch vac, Chompers Crawley: "this is a brand that people aspire to have in their homes" Now...there is no denying that Bosch are a world class outfit, but aspire to have in your home??? Come on fella, stop talking shite.
  6. R

    Random musings and general banter.

    They pull that HD screen with phones far too often. Most of the phones they show are indeed 720p screens, and on TV's that was always listed as HD ready, as opposed to the "full HD" of 1080p screens. And on the bigger screens around 6 inches, it makes a huge difference. I see they are STILL...
  7. R

    Random musings and general banter.

    Yeah because it was Tefal, and I knew they would sort out any warranty issues even if IW didn't. That plus it was a LOT cheaper than anywhere else. They do genuinely have some bargains at times, but they ruin it with the dreadful presentations.
  8. R

    Todays Top Tech TSV 02/04/19

    Dale Franklin used to be big on tech and do a lot of the tech shows at one time didn't he? No doubt of this is presented by LH there will be more nonsense spouted. On the show with the Nextbase dashcam he was saying how they had even "designed and developed their own memory cards for this"...
  9. R

    Random musings and general banter.

    Gollum was giving the old "you need to checkout your baskets now guys. We are monstrously busy for this" talking about the Bosch cordless vac. 4 days later they are still showing repeat runs and it is still for sale. I recall phoning the customer services when I was ordering a Tefal appliance...
  10. R

    Random musings and general banter.

    Gollum actually described himself as "silly, amusing and entertaining" yesterday. The ego of the man.
  11. R

    Peter Simon

    Paz, I can't see your post as I have you on ignore (you being one of the sycophants I mentioned when it comes to PS) and what a relief it is not seeing your no doubt defending of nauseous presenters.
  12. R

    Random musings and general banter.

    Yep, despite just being on a couple of days ago, declaring the second hand iPhone 6 S's to be the greatest thing ever - she said that the Sony phone was "going home with her" the presenters must have massive houses to keep all this stuff in.
  13. R

    Random musings and general banter.

    Blonde Bint: "if your sound isn't quite up to high resolution, this enhances the sound to high resolution" She was talking about the Sony Xperia. Seems she talks as much nonsense as another tech expert that rhymed witb Spanish!
  14. R

    Peter Simon

    His most annoying trait, is his stolen act straight from Larry Grayson. That smutty innuendo (which quite bizzarely, the very young crew behind the scenes, seem to find amusing. Or they are all sycophants...oh!) followed by the pursed lips, and look off toward the cameramen etc. So boring, and...
  15. R

    Mat Trim

    I must admit I always enjoy when Mat Trim is on. He knows his stuff and doesn't try to con viewers. Though that PC clean up stick he does sometimes present can be a danger in the wrong hands, as you can seriously mess up your computer. But I digress…. I like to think that every time Mat...
  16. R

    Dyson TSV 02/03/19

    It's not too bad a price if you are unsure, and want to spread the cost. But yes, I am sure it has been cheaper. I swear I only paid £299 for mine, but I'd have to double check. I was wary, because some people love the fan, and some don't rate it at all. But I genuinely use it every single...
  17. R

    Andi Peters Food Fest

    The thing that has always puzzled me about Andi Peters is, he clearly works out a LOT these days. He is pretty damn huge compared to how he used to be. And to keep fit like that, I just can't imagine him eating half the stuff he talks about on the shows.
  18. R

    Kelly Hoppen Home Designs TSV 27/02/19

    It always feels like she is on the verge of saying "look, just buy it you plebs. I'm much more deserving of your money than you are"
  19. R

    Random musings and general banter.

    Just had a look at that iPhone show….jesus. Lesley G "this can record in 4K. 1080P is 10 thousand and 80 pixels (ermmm) and 4K is 4 thousand pixels" Ok luv! Peter "you've got it for 75 quid, 4 enghthnn….." 75 quid and then mumbled nonsense instead of saying 4 flexi's. What a deceptive twat...
  20. R

    Random musings and general banter.

    Some iffy maths going on at Ideal World. Jimmy Saville pleading, nay begging, with viewers to buy this latest Elife bike, as the price will go up because of Brexit! She said they literally started with thousands of them. Then says they are down to 5% of the total stock that they had. Then says...