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  1. R

    Random musings and general banter.

    Haven't seen that particular laptop on IW yet, but that is a shocking price for such poor specs. They really do treat their customers like chumps
  2. R

    Cbd oil on qvc uk!?

    Not impressed after reading up on CBD oil. It seems that in some cases, doctors believe people are just experiencing a mild high, which is masking any symptoms you may have. Not sure that is the best way to deal with any medical issues. And apparently it can affect any prescription drugs you may...
  3. R

    Random musings and general banter.

    Oh Dirty Peter. Presenting the Sony Xperia "probably the most advanced phone out there" Weird that, I thought the iPhone was that he bought the other week??? But this Sony (which he keeps pronouncing as rhyming with Donny :mysmilie_51: ) has a 23 mexapixel camera...mexapixels..amazing!! Oh...
  4. R

    Tech Live Connect

    Well, I recently started following a guy on YouTube who has made it his mission to expose scammers on the internet. He knows his stuff so isn't some random dude sitting in his mums basement. Interestingly, I came across a video of his from two years ago, where he shows hard evidence that Tech...
  5. R

    Today's Top Tech TSV 26/06/19

    @yorkrose26 Hohbein is known for stretching the truth to say the least. Everything he features, is the thing he uses himself and is the best thing ever!
  6. R

    Models ?

    Thank god somebody has spoken up! As a bloke I was wary to start a conversation about this, as I thought I'd get roasted :) One thing has always bothered me though.....ok, firstly I get that they have models of all shapes and sizes, to show a cross section of the audience who may be buying...
  7. R

    Random musings and general banter.

    Oh Toothy Crawley...."we'd usually charge £499.99 for this phone. Which is a great price" Yeah mate, £500 for an iPhone 7 that is a refurb is NOT a great price. Here is a picture of Refone's head office. It gives me complete reassurance:
  8. R

    Not sure whether to post this here or in QVC

    The trouble is, those trunks are about as generic as you can get really. I don't see how Amanda Holden has the cahones to even insinuate she had any hand in designing them.
  9. R

    What is the point of Ruth Langsford ?

    It always makes me chuckle when they run that promo where she claims she is designing stuff, or putting together ensembles, and ends with "with the help of the QVC stylists of course"....rigghhtttt.
  10. R

    Random musings and general banter.

    "I'd like a cup of coffee and a slice of cake please"
  11. R

    Random musings and general banter.

    Lee Hohbein on QVC is such a massive bull merchant. I know people who are less than qualified for the jobs they do, but have "the gift of the gab" and have blagged their way into all sorts of jobs they really weren't qualified for. That must be how he did it, because his knowledge of products...
  12. R

    Negative opions

    Helo Julie A :) As others have said, the negativity is due to poor customer service at times (though I haven't personally had any problems) and the fact that the presenters are almost always self promoting. Though interestingly it is a lot more prevalent with the female presenters. A lot of...
  13. R

    Google TSV 1/6/19

    I see while Mama Cass was presenting this she commented on it showing youtube and said, "so that is a big improvement over similar products out there" Yes, the Amazon ones you have been shilling for the last couple of years as the best thing ever, you just dissed on TV....nice one love...
  14. R

    Random musings and general banter.

    Caught part of a repeat show of the iPhone 7 yesterday. Kept watching because Gollum was presenting, and I was waiting for him to say exactly what I was expecting and he didn't disappoint.... G: "I have had an iPhone for years. I love it and just couldn't imagine being without it. I've been...
  15. R

    Random musings and general banter.

    Chompers Crawley "we are really worried now that the stock won't last" Mate, if you are worried about selling out of stock, you're in the wrong game. The whole point is to sell stock you nobrot
  16. R


    Feet are gross, nobpdy has nice feet. They just have slightly more tolerable feet than most. Foot festich people....weird. Watching women undress, but asking to see their feet instead of anything I have heard!
  17. R

    Random musings and general banter.

    Oh god....Vol au vent last night with the iPhone 7. Shows him casting it to a TV and comes out with "and look, you can show what you are doing on your TV screen using a dongle. Thanks to Apple making the hardware and the software" The two things completely unrelated of course, having nothing...
  18. R

    Random musings and general banter.

    I love it when they say stuff like "don't forget, this is bonded leather".....makes me chuckle. It's like them working as a waiter and telling customers "don't forget, this is a s**t sandwich you are eating"
  19. R

    Google TSV 1/6/19

    Well that'll be interesting of Hohbein presents it. He already wants everyone to know he uses Alexa all over his home and it's the best thing since sliced bread. I wonder how the shobgite will talk up the competition....please let it be him so he can happily contradict himself over and over.
  20. R

    Breaking News Another 3 Years

    Guess she#ll be shopping for more low cut bosom flashing dresses then?