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  1. B

    All new price drop

    1 item has sold out of the last 6 or so...
  2. B

    All new price drop

    remember you can check it out on their website to see the trash! aha
  3. B

    All new price drop

    So they've sold nothing in the last 30 minutes....they are selling less that what speed auction used to sell and they weren't even on freeview!
  4. B

    All new price drop

    He's probably the plonker who came up with the idea
  5. B

    All new price drop

    Isn't the number 1 rule in retail something like not letting a sale through your hands? 20 people happy to pay at £x and as they didnt sell the final 5, the last 10 minutes they sold nothing as a retail outlet but still having to pay for air time, wages etc. Is this some kind of joke?
  6. B

    And they're saved!
  7. B

    One Day Special products are dire!

    Nobody's going to buy the bid brand (as that's technically what they will be doing) for £68 million.
  8. B

    BID TV Can't pay creditors/staff/freelancers and suppliers

    Which is why shopping channels have had their time. As stated, you can buy exactly what you want on the internet when you want, what ever size, colour etc. For example, you could buy a kettle online, chouse from thousands of different designs, brands, models and order within 10 minutes instead...
  9. B

    BID TV Can't pay creditors/staff/freelancers and suppliers

    The shopping telly hierarchy is a much greater scale than exec. board> management> Buyers> Floor staff... there will be at least 3 layers of management
  10. B

    Read this news artcle from this is money

    If they don't accept and they go bankrupt that doesn't mean the creditors are going to see any more money. If the chinese suppliers don't accept, they will be losing a lot of their custom so they are probably better off accepting it.
  11. B

    BID TV Can't pay creditors/staff/freelancers and suppliers

    "Entrepreneurs Paul and Val Wright, the couple who launched Ideal Shopping, plan to rescue Sit-up by investing £6m but the funding is conditional on the CVA being passed. If it is Sit-up has warned it will go bust."
  12. B

    BID TV Can't pay creditors/staff/freelancers and suppliers

    There is literally nothing they can do under the bid shopping branding which will get them back on track. They have had a bad reputation recently but have been around for 14 years and have that as a reason why people *should* trust them. Somebody said about a complete re-branding which would be...
  13. B

    BID TV Can't pay creditors/staff/freelancers and suppliers

    It's easy to say that the downfall of the company was them removing the decent products and 'deals' and replacing it with tat; however, their peak was in 2007 and by 2008 their net worth was approximately halved. At this time there were great deals. If they carried on the way they did, they...
  14. B

    Poundworld Now Deliver - Check This Out & Save A Fortune on Bid Ripoffs!

    Yet you carry on watching on a daily basis?
  15. B

    The One Show

    I don't visit this forum much these days. This is an email I received last November "Hi Ben, So sorry for the delay in getting back to you. It’s certainly a story we are still interested in – but we have no fixed plans at the moment. Please do let me know if there are any developments...
  16. B

    Be careful what you wish for!

    Stop selling 2 of the most profitable lines for the channel?
  17. B

    Crap products, few suppliers...

    It's pretty obvious that a supplier will not supply a company who may be in financial difficulty, or one who may have had problems with them in the past. It's also pretty obvious that a lot of their products come from the same source. This is why I was not surprised to see a "Become a Supplier"...
  18. B

    New Delivery Times - 5 to 10 Days or 5 to 10 Working Days?

    They probably only have a couple of (chinese) suppliers and some 'defect' suppliers and that's it. Others won't trust them so won't get [many] big brands in.
  19. B

    Stop blaming the messenger!

    Which costs money...which they haven't got..
  20. B

    Random musings/no argument zone

    In my opinion there is no way bid will be able to survive much longer. There is nothing they can do unless they literally start a fresh with a new identity and work with the financial assets which they have got.