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    Debbie Greenwood has left the building...

    On Twitter: "Thank you very much to the lovely peeps at bid tv. It's been a real place for the last couple of months. That was my last shift" Pushed or her choice? Either way...A wise move. She never really suited the channel, and in my view can do a lot better than Bid...
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    Do a bit of research

    They really are so shameless. I don't know how some of the presenters/producers sleep at night.
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    The departure of Lord Kean

    Update from Guy: "Just a quick note to thank everyone for the over a hundred and fifty messages of support I have received over the last 24 hours. Really gave me boost. Bid TV now behind me. Not going to waste one second of my life feeling angry about them. It seems clear to me and many others...
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    The departure of Lord Kean

    He seems to have been treated badly - he said that he did his shift today and ended by saying he would be back on next Friday...and they fired him straight after that shift. I know he's freelance, but still it would be courteous to give a bit of notice. Perhaps one of the reasons why the...
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    Random musings/no argument zone

    I saw him selling it once and he was banging on about how it had miraculously helped his hair grow back thicker, he then panicked and very quickly said to the camera guy "Don't get too close...but it really has worked". He's such a bullshitter he had to even tell them NOT to zoom in on his hair...
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    Favourite quote of 2013

    There's quite literally hundreds to pick from... Multiple presenters have said this line this year: "I really hope the people from *insert brand* aren't watching now! They would be furious if they knew how much we were selling this for!" - particularly amusing when the brand is Sexy Shoo...
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    New Owner at Sit-Up after record losses

    WOW...I'm quite surprised that they're losing that much money a year. I knew things were bad, but didn't realise they were struggling quite this much. It's good they've got new management - it's time for a major revamp of the channels. The times of them flogging absolute tat must surely come...
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    Can we talk about "our Bet".....

    Andy the other night introduced Peter by saying "Next up is Peter Simon, who no doubt has stories of Maude & Bet and other people who exist only in his head..." They're made up characters.
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    What Newspaper/Publication Do The Presenters Read?

    Peter Simon & Mike Mason seem to read whatever paper says it's going to the "the worse winter ever on record..."(so make sure you buy this tatty throw/snow scraper etc).
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    Guy Kean is rapidly becoming my favourite presenter

    Haha I'm watching him now and he's coming out with some absolute corkers... He was selling some motion sensor lights and just said "Good if you want to save money...not a problem for me because I'm fabulously wealthy...but for some of you at home" and then a few moments later "So don't come to...
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    Guy Kean is rapidly becoming my favourite presenter

    He really is quite unique isn't he? I've never seen someone with such open discontent for what he's selling and the viewers. At times he's just downright agressive - his basic tone is "Hurry up and buy this tat so that I can go home". It really is great :D He just seems to care so little - he...
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    Random musings/no argument zone

    I've just switched over to Bid and seen for the first time this cruise show...I honestly can't believe it. It's SO bad. It's like a really awful parody of a shopping channel. I refuse to believe this guy presenting isn't just one massive piss-take. I cannot believe they're actually airing this.
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    The One Show

    Don't worry Benny, I understood you fine - thought you were being perfectly clear! It almost seems a shame that now Bid are actually pretty much behaving themselves they're getting this attention. But I guess years of bullshit, being deceptive and downright lying to viewers is coming back to...
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    Whose in charge...

    I do often feel a bit sorry for the presenters - it seems they're not helped out a huge deal by their producers and floor managers - often they're trying to demo products that aren't set up properly, aren't plugged it, that the producer has the wrong VT playing for etc. It seems like not only...
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    Yarvik Smartphone Tech of the Week... Bit Rubbish

    Absolutely Agree. But the buyer has to take some responsibility - I know absolutely nothing about jewellery, so I'd know to do a bit of research before buying a ring Peter Simon has described as being 'the most amazing product this channel has every done'.
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    Yarvik Smartphone Tech of the Week... Bit Rubbish

    Not to defend Yarvik too much (as I'm pretty sure they're low level crap...) but people buying Yarvik stuff probably aren't that into technology, aren't that knowledgeable and most importantly aren't going to be really using the device to its capacity. My point is that the type of people...
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    A brilliant buy - at face value anyway.

    Sounds pretty good! I think Bid seems to have improved the quality of the items recently by the looks of it (they seem to be shoving all the tat on Price).
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    Introduction of the Clock

    I pretty much agree with everything you've said - before the introduction of the clock that was a genuinely a chance that items could go somewhat lower than what the producer would hope. Similar waaaaay back in the day of rising price auctions - items did genuinely sell for a £1. The...
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    Clearance bargain

    Haha I saw Mark burn the rice the other week as well. I honestly don't know how they manage to screw up EVERY cooking demo they ever do. Bring back Chef Wayne...
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    In praise of Steve McDonald

    Nice to see there are some other Steve fans! I think it's great that he's self-deprecating as well (something that certain other presenters are massively lacking) and happy to have a laugh with his crew all the time. It comes across that he's just genuinely a funny guy who gets on well with...