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  1. argeybargey

    How do I get Customer Services to contact me

    Can't help you there NannieA, but know exactly what you mean about the principle and massive irritation of CS not doing what they promise. xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  2. argeybargey

    Angeline is leaving GemsTV?

    Ooh blimey! Meeshoo won't be best pleased to see Angeline go. <a href="" target="_blank"><img...
  3. argeybargey

    new postage and late deliveries

    I got my latest and [B]last[/B] two orders yesterday. I've been free of any shopping telly for over a week now, I'm taking it day by day (lol) but with the arrival of the final packages I feel stress-free and couldn't give a hoot anymore. xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  4. argeybargey

    Angeline is leaving GemsTV?

    You can just imagine what we're going to be left with, yeah, all the childie women. I'm so glad I've already given up on all three companies. This slow drip, drip of worsening service and programming is just appalling. In fact I've watched no shopping telly at all for a week now. I think the...
  5. argeybargey

    new postage and late deliveries

    Just keep a look-out for the lady. :wink: xxxxxxxxx
  6. argeybargey

    New graphics

    Hey Sammi, great to see you! xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  7. argeybargey

    new postage and late deliveries

    Hi Auddel, I recognise you from FB. I have started to post on FB (just can't keep the old gob shut) but use a "non de plume". So to make the situation even, you may recognise this - lol. As I'm done with JM - now six days, I thought earlier it was only five, I've been ordering more...
  8. argeybargey

    Gems TV USA

    From the horse's gob Sacha, Steve. It has however been in the air for a long time, rather like all the wonders we are being told to expect on JM! xxxxxxxxxx
  9. argeybargey

    Gems TV USA

    I can't help with that Insider, all I do know is that they'll need to buck their ideas up. There are an absolute humungous amount of jewellery traders in the States and the Americans are far more demanding customers than we, neither will they tolerate poor and inconsistent service. xxxxxxx
  10. argeybargey

    Leah Charles

    Oh Graham, that did make me laugh. Until then hadn't had a giggle all day. xxxxxxxxxxxx
  11. argeybargey

    New graphics

    I agree regarding the old ones PJ but, since the only watching I do these days is just passing through to see what's doin', I suppose I'm not really too bothered. It's the constant tinkering with everything that pushed me away. xxxxxxxxxx
  12. argeybargey

    New P&P charges

    Some of the FB users are so rude. Yesterday someone on JM had a little moan (very minor) and was told to "get over it". I don't look a great deal but whenever I do there is always a nasty remark(s) to some poor soul, yet JM in particular keep banging on about the "JM family on FB". Yeah...
  13. argeybargey

    Disenchanted with JM

    Hi and welcome Supersandy. No worries about the rant, JM has reduced many of us to it. Say what you feel here, that's what it's for. xx <a...
  14. argeybargey

    New graphics

    Lol - perhaps that's the aim Sacha, get us all hating the graphics and complaining about presenters and we'll al go rushing off to see what the grumblings all about. Unusual approach. xxxxxxx
  15. argeybargey

    Leah Charles

    I won't get into an argument with you over it PC, you are perfectly entitled to your view as am I. I would just like to ask what being "upbeat" has to do with the use of bad language on a TV shopping channel. After all TJC is not the Russell Brand show, there's a time and a place.
  16. argeybargey

    New Presenters- Not impressed

    I wasn't talking rubbish - just fact. Surely you don't believe that sort of language is acceptable? If it's because you don't believe me take it up with TJC. It was around 12.30 on the emerald day last week (Wednesday?).
  17. argeybargey

    New Presenters- Not impressed

    I'm so sorry PC, but have just posted on another thread. I hardly think "bugger" suitable language for telly shopping, even if it is late at night. xxxxxxxxx
  18. argeybargey

    Leah Charles

    Think you might be a bit lonely with this one. On the emerald day evening I was just in time to catch her say "I'm a nosey bugger I am". Classy! xxxxxxxx
  19. argeybargey

    New graphics

    This thread made me take a sneaky peak, and on Extra there's a childie woman that is presenting almost word for word in the Sarah Bennett style. Guess she's doing the presenter "training" then. Come on chaps and chapesses, go mad, get a professional in from outside to do some training - and...
  20. argeybargey

    New Presenters

    They want wages :giggle: xxxxxx