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  1. icr24350

    Male paper crafters

    sorry, but why shouldn't men be into paper casting ? If it keeps us busy, so much the better, lol. I think you'll find a lot of men partake of this hobby.
  2. icr24350

    Loen Love

    Sorry but I find her unwatchable now. She comes across as 'mutton dressed as lamb,' and sounds as if she is talking down to viewers and co-presenters. Also, hercomments this morning about Andy Murray were uncalled for. She is no oil painting herself.
  3. icr24350

    Dawn Bibby

    got to admit to liking Dawn, she seems far happier since she returned. I only have one complaint, her sun tan, it just has to be fake. Other than that, she is my favourite craft presenter
  4. icr24350

    Welcome Back Dawn

    Just stuck C & C on, and found Dawn Bibby was back. Whilst I am not her biggest fan, it is great to see she has recovered from her illness. Now if only her niece would watch her, and see how a show should be done. Welcome back Dawn
  5. icr24350

    Leoni pujol

    I'm afraid her constant twittering just puts me right off. Makes me wish S W was back ! And that is saying something, lol
  6. icr24350

    Paul Lavers

    I hope this news is true, I like Paul and his sense of humour when he was on QVC. I am looking forward to seeing him again.
  7. icr24350

    Favourite (and not) presenters!

    I like Leoni best as she seems such a nice girl. I can't stand Martyn and his smuttiness. I have no time for Dawn Bibby either, she rarely seems to smile.
  8. icr24350

    Ideal World Christmas Song

    Stumpy, I am a bloke and a music lover. That has to be the worst Christmas song ever, lol. I'd be ashamed to be associated with it, lol :sad:
  9. icr24350


    Favourite i Dean, least favourite is Dawn Bibby.
  10. icr24350

    Ideal World Christmas Song

    Just watched and heard the presenters doing a Christmas song. YEUCH, it is horrible (I am being polite). Plus it is still November. Please IW, give us a break :headbang:
  11. icr24350


    Dean does not take himself seriously, unlike the majority of presenters on the shopping channels. Neither does he put on airs or graces, he is just himself. Pity more presenters were not like him. Dawn Bibby could learn a lot from his style of presentation.
  12. icr24350

    OMG !!! 8 hours of AY on 23rd June !!!

    8 whole hours of AY ? What a cure for insomnia, lol
  13. icr24350

    Martyn Parker

    Another presenter I cannot stand. I do not like his style of presenting at all. He comes over as a right pain. I am surprised IW haven't at least had a word with him about what his presentation style. I switch him off
  14. icr24350

    Dawn B's new show

    Oh no, two of the biggest bores - SW & DB on the same channel :doh:. Maybe Steph will show Dawn how to smile a bit more !
  15. icr24350

    Stephanie Weightman to leave Create & Craft

    Since SW backed off, we have seen more of other crafts, with more presenters who come over better than she ever did. I don't doubt her enthusiasm, but she was over-powering in my book. My favourite is the lovely Leoni, who is far superior to everyone else on the Craft Channels. And that includes...
  16. icr24350

    Martyn Parker

    What a scruff he is turning into, he should be told to have a shave and brush his hair before being allowed in front of a tv camera. He puts me off watching and buying now. Smarten yourself up Martyn.
  17. icr24350

    Stephanie Weightman to leave Create & Craft

    Hardly the best kept secret that I am no fan of hers, so I hope she really does go:grin: ! She just comes over as a complete bore in my opinion, with craft being the only thing in her life.
  18. icr24350

    Steve Whatley is missed at Christmas

    He was possibly the greatest and most liked presenter of all time, who came over as a very genuine person, unlike some of today's presenters. As others have said, he is sadly missed.
  19. icr24350

    Corrie slippers hour

    Yeuch ! I would not touch them with a barge-pole !