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  1. PJ.

    Mark Ryes Radio 4 24/4/14 12noon

    The only part of Mark that has been near a box ... I thank you
  2. PJ.

    It's the Sit-up Bankruptcy Auction! Come and get the goodies!

    I will take that hideous bald troll in the corner and aaaaah its alive and is speaking chav ... back Mason back ..
  3. PJ.

    Random musings/no argument zone

    Looool @ Asian PS
  4. PJ.

    Random musings/no argument zone

    To be fair the person who Tweeted Peter must be a trouble maker as their account is no suspended.
  5. PJ.

    Random musings/no argument zone

    You can Tweet him if you want. Tell him where to stick his Sesame Seeds PJ.
  6. PJ.

    Mark Ryes Radio 4 24/4/14 12noon

    Be interesting to see if he will be trying to defend their practices or trying separate himself from them
  7. PJ.

    Random musings/no argument zone

    I wonder if poor Chef Jackanory got paid a dime for his work for SAB? Will Charlie appear somewhere else? Maybe making his own line of checked shirts? I liked him. Passionate but seemingly not a big liar.
  8. PJ.

    What's Going On?

    Intersstingly I emailed the administrators asking why the Bid site didn't have a link with details of administration and this afternoon it changed, maybe they were going to do it anyway but maybe I pushed them :p
  9. PJ.

    Are you having Bid/Pricedrop withdrawal symptoms?

    The first reading from the book of Now what do I mean by will be from the first chapter in quotes from my family chapter ladyslashgoddess
  10. PJ.

    Random musings/no argument zone

    Am I reading pockets Mark Ryes tweet right? QVC to come off air? @PhilHunt91 who knows how much longer shopping TV has left anyway? Ideal is said to have lost a fortune, QVC are coming off TV this year...
  11. PJ.

    Are you having Bid/Pricedrop withdrawal symptoms?

    Sort of a Mason's Anonymous? :p
  12. PJ.

    Are you having Bid/Pricedrop withdrawal symptoms?

    Now without MeMike on air to explain that song I am just left confuse dazed and upset. Come back MeMike.
  13. PJ.

    Random musings/no argument zone

    Surprised they haven't cut the feed yet on Sky. When Comet went into administration the firm brought in took over the website and explained about refunds etc. What about the people who purchased items on the last day?
  14. PJ.

    Random musings/no argument zone

    I am not so sure that if we had a rebirth they wouldn't carry over presenters as some of the Auction World/Chase It presenters on the totally new nothing to do with the previous company with the same studios presenters and management iBuy.
  15. PJ.

    It's Christmas Day 2013 and your other half buys you a special present....

    Reminds me of the Simpson's episode where the Germans take over the power plant. It would be like that if I had taken over bid Me (on intercom) I regret the following lay offs in alphabetical order. Mason, Mike. That is all
  16. PJ.

    MeMike Mason has time to finish his book now

    He did, I was guttted that I wasnt watching at the time. I wonder if the crew knew why he mentioned me ...
  17. PJ.

    MeMike Mason has time to finish his book now

    I would literally not be able to wipe the smug look on my face if he rocked up to read my meter. Just as the smug look on his face is wiped as he realises who I am.
  18. PJ.

    Random musings/no argument zone

    I do think there is an irony that MeMike broadcast to thousands his PJ cuddle and Joe with this post I write now I am broadcasting to more people than he ever will again so excuse me Mike this one is for you. Can you guess the well known saying I am doing now...
  19. PJ.

    MeMike Mason has time to finish his book now

    Reminds me of those Doctor Who aliens who skinned humans and wore the skin as a disguise, maybe MeMike is actually his partner in his skin and someone there is a skinned MeMike locked in a dungeon. I am told the process of taking then wearing the skin can cause hair to fall out ..
  20. PJ.

    MeMike Mason has time to finish his book now

    So please don't spoil it for him and tell him what happens to the hungry hungry caterpillar :mysmilie_17: PJ