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  1. PJ.

    Random musings/no argument zone

    Hahahahahahahaha they reported my Twitter account and it is suspended hahahahahahahaha oh whoever did that, thank you *wipes tears from eye* hahahahaha hahahaha BTW The Bid website seems down again, unable to resolve host, I thought it had a holding page there. Should have still really for...
  2. PJ.

    Random musings/no argument zone

    <iframe src="//" width="500" height="275" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe> James I predict that your scaremongering, lying, cheating days are numbered on Bid. Oh and while I am on the phone can you make a video for my Psychic...
  3. PJ.

    Random musings/no argument zone

    Tempted to call and record the call for all on Me: Hello I am calling on behalf of a thriving website and forums and would like to get a quote from you for some videos to go on there. James: Of course I am free at the moment, what's the website Me: Shopping Telly Dot Com James: Hangs up...
  4. PJ.

    Random musings/no argument zone

    I think MeMike should talk to ITV about reviving How! He would be perfect to front a show which explains how they do things considering he is known as the HumanWiki™ PJ
  5. PJ.

    Random musings/no argument zone

    Them were the babies
  6. PJ.

    Random musings/no argument zone

    I bet that was filmed with a Vivitar camcorder by MeMike Mason and kept on asking of he could come in front of the camera with the other two. "Maybe next time if you are good" came the reply.
  7. PJ.

    Calling anyone who has bought from Bid TV or Price Drop or Speed Auction.

    Suddenly the OP has gone quiet ... Hmmm OP were you the producer of the One Show segment? *snigger*
  8. PJ.

    Calling anyone who has bought from Bid TV or Price Drop or Speed Auction.

    OP are you the same Scary Media who has no website but just a YouTube channel with just a showreel for someone, including a fake Watchdog piece to camera? Also if you get the chance can you answer my other questions in my previous post. I, like many have...
  9. PJ.

    Calling anyone who has bought from Bid TV or Price Drop or Speed Auction.

    Where will the documentary be shown on? Which production company are you from? Why didn't you say this from the start? Have you got an email address from your production company domain name? Not wishing to sound rude but you could be anyone here. PJ
  10. PJ.

    Random musings/no argument zone

    Haha so true :) Dave you are right, that is the best thing about the whole sad situation :)
  11. PJ.

    Calling anyone who has bought from Bid TV or Price Drop or Speed Auction.

    Can I ask why you are asking? Not that I am saying you shouldn't, just wondering is it in a professional or personal capacity you are asking? :)
  12. PJ.

    Random musings/no argument zone

    An open post to Mike, his ladyslashgoddess and all his fans Please justify this ... Come on if you can justify this I will go around and say sorry to Mike in person with a donation to his favourite charity. Now what do I mean about charity, well ........
  13. PJ.

    Vue cinema, Portsnmouth

    I am a self confessed cinema geek, so much so if I went on Mastermind I would do it on this cinema. It has THX sound in one screen and really great sound and screens in the others. The last three times though they have now taken the decision not to mask the screen correctly for the right aspect...
  14. PJ.

    Greg Scott on the demise of Sit Up

    I guess it must be like the worlds biggest bug being on TV so to have it taken it must be hard
  15. PJ.

    Greg Scott on the demise of Sit Up

    I thought Greg was a top man when he was first on Bid, I loved him on Quizmania, then he seemed to change overnight (or did he hide it up until then?) to someone who was angry and bitter that none of his pilots were being commissioned on TV. I thought he meant he had no work so I asked him and...
  16. PJ.

    Greg Scott on the demise of Sit Up

    I thought he did actually do a couple if shifts but left but could be wrong!
  17. PJ.

    Random musings/no argument zone

    Can you imagine Peter Simon learning how to use Twitter? He would be like so I can only use 240 pages or less I am not sure I can do that ... What only ... *faints* PJ
  18. PJ.

    Congratulations to Mr. Tom

    Mr Tom you are a true gent and a great forum contributor :)
  19. PJ.

    Random musings/no argument zone

    To those who are reading from Mike's fan page on Facebook I will say what I have said all along. I wanted Bid to change not to close but on a daily basis lies were said repeatedly so you reap what you sew. What other business apart from Babestation do you know that makes you spend £1.53 just...
  20. PJ.

    Random musings/no argument zone

    You are right, and I have a theory that he is a time traveller but not from the future but from the past so how can we blame him for his caveman like attitude when it comes to women