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  1. PJ.

    The Brand and the domain names

    Anyone got any word on if someone has purchased the Bid, Shop at Bid, Price Drop, Speed Auction branding and domain names? I would have thought a company in America or another country that hasn't heard of the company would be interested in the domain name I am surprised someone hasn't...
  2. PJ.

    Mike Mason joins Ideal World TV

    Hehe *high 5*
  3. PJ.

    Mike Mason joins Ideal World TV

    Nope sorry I want none of this lets agree to disagree business. I have already hired the mud wrestling arena and got the mud so you and Mr XP shall fight it out in the aforementioned arena with the also mentioned mud .... :p By the way Benny with Microsoft ending support for XP with no more...
  4. PJ.

    Mike Mason joins Ideal World TV

    There is a phrase that comes to mind about assuming ....
  5. PJ.

    The Outlet Advertiser (Channel) - that lasted long...

    I hear they are going to go for a more down with the kids channel and call it Buying In Da TV or Bid TV for short
  6. PJ.

    Mike Mason joins Ideal World TV

    That and he would crack during an interview with members ;-)
  7. PJ.

    Mike Mason joins Ideal World TV

    Just a couple of points for the record. I have never said that I hate Mr Mason. I don't like wasted emotion and for me hating a person is a waste. Never even met him so chat judge him purely on TV although I doubt he is totally different in real life. I don't like people who would say anything...
  8. PJ.

    Mike Mason joins Ideal World TV

    Very well put. PJ
  9. PJ.

    Random musings/no argument zone

    It's when you start talking about yourself in the third person and repeating yourself and talking about yourself in the third person PJ will start to worry. PJ
  10. PJ.

    My decision to remove myself from the outlet channel

    All the best in whatever your next project is Lisa :) how about a channel dedicated to potato coking called Mash with Brash? PJ
  11. PJ.

    Mike Mason joins Ideal World TV

    Just think of the worry angels and the bass reflex test as MeMike's classics. You wouldn't see on a Beatle's forum people saying oh stop going on about Hey Jude would you ;-)
  12. PJ.

    Mike Mason joins Ideal World TV

    There you go, that is what Wirral was talking about PJ
  13. PJ.

    Mike Mason joins Ideal World TV

    Can you not see the irony in your post? You start by saying you don't wish to see repeat posts about a subject on this forum and then by your on admission you are stating something "as I've said before". Hmmmm PJ
  14. PJ.

    Mike Mason joins Ideal World TV

    I think you have missed my posts about Peter Simon, Andy H, Charlie (DIY) to name but a few but so what if I do talk about one presenter? Is this a two presenters or more checkout? Until Graham or his team tell me to stop I think I will keep going thanks. PJ
  15. PJ.

    Mike Mason joins Ideal World TV

    I did? Oh well. I think you are muddling me up with Wirral the bass test and worry angels were his domain and both myself and others have talked about Andy's fire blanket scare tactics, but this thread is about Mike so let's keep to talking about him eh. Don't want his lawyers to call me again...
  16. PJ.

    Mike Mason joins Ideal World TV

    Isn't a bucket list things or people you wish to do? :o :o
  17. PJ.

    Peter Simon.... Bids loss and Gems gain? you decide

    I thought better of The Bennetts. I thought they wouldn't do anything to ruin thir family run business. PJ
  18. PJ.

    Mike Mason joins Ideal World TV

    How about having a debate where two people can have opposing views without resorting to rudeness like GTFO? How about just politely asking when was Mike sexist?
  19. PJ.

    Mike Mason joins Ideal World TV

    Amen to that sister!