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  1. PJ.

    Is Bid TV set to return?

    Sit Up to Lean Forward, shows complete lack of originality, so yeah bound to be Sit Up bosses ....
  2. PJ.

    Come on Steve / Craig / Mr Branson

    To be fair I doubt QVC did their best work day one or even month one. I am sure they dobt gave the luxury of the usual rehearsal time before going on air. Also slight correction Sir Richard Branson ;-)
  3. PJ.

    Fresh start for The Outlet Channel?

    I don't mind them using DSLR cameras if it helps them get off the ground. Could be worse, could be shot on Vivatar cameras they got from a bid skip ;-)
  4. PJ.

    Mike Mason joins Ideal World TV

    Oooh I see it's pronounced shopping I have been thinking it was a channel dedicated to space hopping or s-hopping if you will ...
  5. PJ.

    Studios and Warehouse

    Interesting finding thanks S@D (Put @ else it sounds like I am calling you sad!!)
  6. PJ.

    Rocks Reality Show on now

    What on earth is thus? Gambling getting gems worth £100,000 on a street game? Is it fake and a joke or what? PJ ETA it's called Gem Guys
  7. PJ.

    ITV Documentary 2nd September

    I enjoyed it but it was too much Matt Bennett IMHO. Nice guy it seems but he is just one if many hard workers. Felt like it was a programmes about and for him. Like a reward for doing well from mum and dad.
  8. PJ.

    Phone Call

    Thanks for all your investigating Shop and W/G.
  9. PJ.

    Random musings/no argument zone

    Surprised the domain hasn't been sold on by now, another country would be interested I am sure who wouldn't be effected by the toxic brand. Talking of which, it is a shame Bid isn't still going or Peter Sherlock could get this domain name...
  10. PJ.

    Phone Call

    Have they said why the phone call is a premium rate number? Is that going to the charity or is it going to pay studio costs so that they can claim that all profit of the item goes to the charity. I have no problems if it is going to the costs of running it which much amount to manny hundreds of...
  11. PJ.

    Studios and Warehouse

    And the stench of Peter Sherlock. And his perfume too.
  12. PJ.

    Studios and Warehouse

    Hat happened to the studio and sets, also the warehouse? Did Bod own any of them? I wonder if the set is still there just not used or all taken down? PJ
  13. PJ.

    Acer Laptop TSV 09/08/14

    4gb of ram isn't much really IMHO. I know I am a geek and gamer but even mums laptop from 3 years ago has 4gb ram and it was only £100 more than this. PJ
  14. PJ.

    Launched too early?

    Are they broadcasting via Skype on a dial up internet? Seems very low quality picture.
  15. PJ.

    Phone number

    Not long now until 0800 is free from mobiles too isn't it? Sure I read it was soon. PJ
  16. PJ.

    Mike Mason joins Ideal World TV

    I thought selling is what you do on a boat on a river. Learn something new everyday :-) PJ.
  17. PJ.

    Mike Mason joins Ideal World TV

    Damn I was really hoping that the Mike that I knew and loved from way back might come back as it was like a fresh start for him :(
  18. PJ.

    Mike Mason joins Ideal World TV

    How's Mike doing? Has he toned down his sales pitch? I know he was always careful not to break any rules but he certainly used scare tactics, used his family to get a sale etc and wondered if that carried on? I remember when Mike came back to bid, check my posts I was impressed that unlike...
  19. PJ.

    Q automated phone call

    Sounds like a good idea though (when it works)
  20. PJ.

    Invisible Diamonique stone?

    Just as a footnote to the couple if people who are unsure how to copy links PC Either: Press the left mouse button at the far right of the web address (top of your browser) you want to copy then whilst still holding in the left mouse button swipe over the address. Let go of the mouse button...