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  1. C

    Halogen Oven

    I have one like Jan's and absolutely love it. I was a bit thrown, too, by the lack of a recipe book, but you rapidly get a feel for it The basics are given in the booklet and you can go from there. It's terrific not having to wait for the oven to heat up and even better that I don't have to...
  2. C

    Apologies if this has been posted before..

    Not since the old forum went down - and I imagine that, just like IW itself (as the presenters keep going on about), we probably get new readers all the time. Surely they are entitled to this information?
  3. C

    another craft day!!! what???????????

    I reckon this has been one of the worst - approximately 8 hours of SW wittering about that flipping craft workstation has been just TOO MUCH!!! One of the problems, I think, is that they're so busy trying to do a TESCO in the craft field that they're losing any sense of originality. More and...
  4. C

    Craftroom workstation POTD

    It'll probably be a rehash, with more boards (maybe Christmas ones) designed to fleece us and line SW's coffers Sorry, but I'm sick of us being expected to fund her lifestyle!
  5. C

    another craft day!!! what???????????

    Sorry, Mommabear - you're absolutely right. I've just checked my EPG and it's got a full day's schedule of craft, unlike the IW guide which only lists 4 hours of craft stuff apart from the POTD. Maybe I just didn't want to believe it!!
  6. C

    Who is the hottest lady on IW

    Or maybe she voted for Nigel and he voted for her - they are, after all, to quote them both, TV husband and wife!! -And the photograph of the happy couple is now wallpaper on the IW computer! (passing thought, what does her husband of 1 year think of that? x)
  7. C

    Who is the hottest lady on IW

    Oh, Gawd, someone's voted for Stephanie - maybe it was distant rose-coloured memories of her doing the erotic lingerie shows in her fluffy mules!! Sure as hell couldn't have been the Flex and Soft stuff that she lives in!
  8. C

    another craft day!!! what???????????

    According to the IW TV schedule it's only a POTD starting Tuesday 9pm. I'd almost forgotten that they did them, there's been so many boreathons recently!
  9. C

    Who is the hottest man on IW

    Probably he did himself!
  10. C

    Are Ideal World running out of suppliers??

    The focus on crafts (or cardmaking as it is predominantly) is pretty recent as well. When I first came across them as a Freeview viewer there was a set, regular 9 hours over the entire week. Now there is NOTHING regular about it. For example, what was the point of advertising the introduction...
  11. C

    Are Ideal World running out of suppliers??

    I notice that they're also enclosing flyers for other companies with orders being sent out. Presumably they're paid for that as well?
  12. C

    In the kitchen tsv

    Have ordered them - too tempted by the promise of a knife that'll cut turnip!!!
  13. C

    In the kitchen tsv

    Have just watched the presentation and Julian mentioned that it does come with a plastic cover. Also Malcolm demonstrated sharpening it with a diamond steel.
  14. C

    Another Craft Marathon

    Gordon Bennett, it looks like 15 hours of decoupage, according to the website! Decoupage Booklet with Cards and Envelopes Price: £24.99 Club Member Price £22.49 Postage and Packaging: £0.00 Estimates based on UK delivery Item Code: 138316 * Storage box with viewing window * A4...
  15. C

    Another Craft Marathon

    15 hours of the 4 day Craft Deal, presumably with Stephanie Weightman's new chant of "you'll never get this in an extravaganza" 2 Extravaganza progs 2 Joanna Sheen hours 1 Dufex 1 Pinflair 1 Flowersoft 1 Iris folding 1 rubber stamps 1 CD-ROMs 1 definite decoupage & 1 probable decoupage Do we...
  16. C

    What the heck.......

    It's another QVC reject! I remember La Franks demoing it - now that was a vision!
  17. C


    Don't think I can help, but it might just be worth logging in on the Create and Craft website. I've occasioanlly had a problem with the IW site and got in fine on the C&C one. Otherwise, you need a techy!
  18. C


    Rosylee, if you login at the top of the site that should take you to your order history. from there click on the order you're concerned about.
  19. C

    Wonder Why?

    She definitely said it was his dad on one of the shows with the condolence cards on it.
  20. C


    Oh yes, please! Could we start a petition?