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  1. C

    Any problems with create and craft?

    Me too, Anna. I'm also not looking forward to the possibility (read on another forum) that CD1 might be blank!! And since these are coming from La Weightman herself, I think it's ridiculous that they should be taking this long. My estimated delivery date has been moved back three times now.
  2. C

    horse blanket Pig'o'the day

    Remember to get your chopsticks to fasten them with - either that or pussy-willow!! No, I'm not making it up - these were Ellis's fashion ideas this morning!
  3. C

    appauling delivery

    I can never understand this "awaiting stock" excuse anyway. They make a huge drama about stopping demoing things on their shows because they are "not allowed to demonstrate things they don't have in stock" and yet we're expected to accept this excuse for non-delivery! In addition, I reckon the...
  4. C


    The only one I can think of is La Weightman!
  5. C


    From what I gather, their policy is last in first out regardless of ability or anything else. (Either that or they read on here how popular Deano was and thought "Can't have that"! Blimey, they really are feeding my paranoia!!)
  6. C

    Pilates machine

    I also thought it was a very amateurish presentation compared with QVC's. Whatever we might say about Marjolein, she is thoroughly professional and clearly knows her stuff.
  7. C


    I will NEVER understand how they could get rid of Deano amd keep that prat.
  8. C

    21st Century corsetry

    Sorry, but I am SICK TO DEATH of these models and presenters raving about this stuff. Apart from the fact that in my experience it doesn't work if you're at all well endowed, the Julie woman has just gone through exactly the same spiel as she gave for the Emelia stuff a few days ago, and our...
  9. C

    Nail Polish Remover Views Please!

    I just bought Boots 'Expert clean off' 'remover (£1.25) as an emergency purchase but it took off my dark red nail varnish more effectively than anything I have EVER tried. I did both hands with one dampening of the cotton wool and had no smears at all. I couldn't believe it. It's also "enriched...
  10. C

    QVC transfer to 'joy' your hearts!!

    Here's a New Year's pressie for you all - have just discovered that IW have taken over the iJoy rider and have a New Year's Day show!! I remember the wonderful thread when QVC had this 'toilet', as someone called it, although I missed the show. Can't wait to see them drivelling on for a n hour...
  11. C

    Quote of the day.....

    Yep, but does 'the dry boke not sound so much more disgusting? (Which the ghastly duo were!!!)
  12. C

    Quote of the day.....

    'retching but nothing comes up'!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. C

    Quote of the day.....

    You're so right!! That Christmas promo where Weightman was feeding Niggle mince pies while completely ignoring their supposed guests gave me 'the dry boke', as we say in Scotland!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. C

    Create and Craft

    He's got no chance anyway - she's far too besotted with the Nigel creep - though what does that say about her 18 month old marriage!
  15. C


    And even Andy Love called it Diamonique in a lovely slip of the tongue this morning!!
  16. C

    Oh dear, Job Cuts

    The best thing about this forum is that there is still an element of free speech about it. If I feel strongly about something I am glad that sycophantic mods don't shut me up as happens elsewhere. I'd hate to see that change. And if I believe that someone has been responsible for spoiling...
  17. C

    Oh dear, Job Cuts

    They could start with La Weightman - have said before how I hate what she's done to craft.
  18. C

    Hermann Spielwaren Bears Jumped Ship?

    Ditto, UTF. I was gutted. I wonder how long they'll last? It certainly won't do much for their reputation, I wouldn't think!!
  19. C

    Why is ideal world's delivery so slow?

    I have to say that I have found virtually all of my QVC deliveries have arrived within, and often well within their stated timescale, and in the 2 cases where something didn't appear they dealt with it immediately. Ideal World are VERY different - delivery is very hit or miss, their estimated...
  20. C

    Desert Island - which presenter!

    OMG, Ellis Ward has just asked viewers to email in to say which Ideal World presenter they would like to be on a desert island with!!!!!!!!!! (The sewing machine man had been talking about preferring to be on with Debbie Shore because she was a better sales person!) Where would you start...