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  1. C

    AY has seriously lost the plot now......

    I've just watched my first long stretch of this woman, and these posts are SO accurate!! She surely has to be one of the rudest, most 'Z list celebrity' absorbed shreiking banshees I've had the misfortune to hear! It was almost as if she had read this thread and created a caricature of...
  2. C

    Questions you'd like to ask Ideal World and the presenters

    IS there ANY chance you could sort out your EPG! If you can plan far enough ahead to arrange guests, surely you can get the listngs right! (Or maybe they're all in a cupboard somewhere and you just wheel them out at will - some are certainly on often enough!!) Believe it or not, there are some...
  3. C

    Questions you'd like to ask Ideal World and the presenters

    Julie the mod-ell - any chance you could stop saying "sort of like"?
  4. C

    Questions you'd like to ask Ideal World and the presenters

    Ms Weightman - what does your real husband think of you having a crafting husband as well? Ad while we're at it, any chance of stopping that inane giggling? Ellis Ward - any chance you could stop woo-hooing and screeching and waving your arms about as if you WERE the Moulin Rouge? All of you -...
  5. C

    questions you'd like to ask qvc and presenters..

    Fab thread - maybe we should start one for Ideal World!!!!
  6. C

    Worst prize ever?

    Any chance she could take her "crafting husband" (Nigel) with her?!?!? Maybe they could sail off into the Caribbean sunset together!
  7. C

    Worst prize ever?

    .... or an arrow to shoot it down?
  8. C

    Lies, damned lies ........

    Well, more evidence that they read this forum - S W has mentioned at least three times in the past half hour their buyer, Pam HERSHAW!! It was Pam Auilja who resigned. Don't you wish, though, that they would pay heed to the things that REALLY annoy their customers!!!
  9. C

    Lies, damned lies ........

    Do this lot ever tell the truth? Have just listened to S Weightman going on and on, as she so often does, about meeting with Pam, the buyer - but did she not resign in March? Also, what has happened to the much vaunted new phone system which meant that there would be no queues again? They've...
  10. C

    GHD Style Lounge TSV Sat 20th June

    Quote from GHD guest Jo Robertson on the QVC gossip page: Can you give us a hint about the upcoming ghd TSV? It's all about safari chic and it's unique, sleek, fast and dangerous! Doubt it's not hot pink, then!
  11. C

    Alison Young on a sugar high!

    What really annoys me is that she sounds perfectly normal and professional on the promos they're playing just now. Why the heck can't she be like that on the shows!
  12. C

    Did anyone go for the lace shirt?

    I'm sure you could wear this to a wedding after you've done the school run!!!!
  13. C

    Ijoy Ride

    Mike Hancox is the new Head Honcho, and genuinely seems to be taking issues on board.
  14. C

    Ijoy Ride

    Can't remember if you've been in touch with your credit card company, but could they at least stop the next payment? And should they not be able to do something about non-appearance of the goods? Also, sorry if you've had this advice before, but contact [email protected]...
  15. C

    Roll on the summer...

    What scares me is how much the models seem to love themselves in these things!! Jules is fair bouncing about just now!
  16. C

    Ijoy Ride

    I'd definitely contact the firm. When my POTD Moira C scarflaces were late (don't hold it against me for ordering them!!) I phoned her direct and was told that Ideal World had taken over a week to send the orders to her, so it might be that IJoy might not have the order yet. At least you'd...
  17. C

    Check out the sex-wear on IW!

    I still have nightmares from the memories of their ,previous "erotic lingerie" shows, when Stephanie Weightman was presenting in her pink fluffy high heeled mules, and waving that red and black corset about!!!
  18. C

    Catherine's blog

    I was going by the sentence on the blog which says "Comments are moderated, and will not appear until the author has approved them" and assumed that in this case that meant her.
  19. C

    Catherine's blog

    She also doesn't like slightly critical comments - I left one yesterday about the TSV and she hasn't put it up (they have power of veto on their own blogs)