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  1. C

    Fashion Expert

    And her constant name-dropping!
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    The Ideal World Christmas Song ...

    Only saving grace is hardly a sight of either Ellis or Dennice! The crafting husband and wife (their own description) make me heave.
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    Frayed Flawers

    And don't even think of buying from their own site. A friend of mine ordered at the beginning of October and has not yet received a thing - no contact either from them to explain. Diabolical service, but what seems to happen often when firms get tied up with the shopping channels. Charlie Bears...
  4. C

    Craigs just admitted

    Dear Lord, the revolting little gnome is drowning in his own ego - and Gawd help the choir that would be landed with him - they really don't like people who are so full of their own self-importance. Actually, he could put me off Christmas for life!! Euch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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    Julia the model

    Sorry to spoil it, but she's in desperate need of a good bra!! I remember the first Pilates show after her weight loss and oh, lord were the baps sagging!
  6. C

    Can someone here answer my SBC question?

    Can't see SLS but it does contain Ammonium Lauryl Sulphate. HTH PS You're right - did need a magnifying glass!!!
  7. C

    Jill Franks You Bi*ch

    What I think was a lot worse was the time when Chuntley was doing the calendar and named everybody on each page except for the page with Julia!! She just quickly flicked past her!
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    Catherine Huntley

    Is it my imagination or is she even more sickly sweet and cheesily insincere since all this blew up? I've completely lost tolerance with her - she just revolts me.
  9. C

    Kleshna poppies

    IW are giving £10 to the appeal. The Kleshna site gives all profits.
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    Kleshna poppies

    Am shocked to the core - IW sellling the Swarovski Poppy Crochet Brooch just now for £84.99. It's on the Kleshna website for £69.99. How low is that? There's a contribution to the British Legion on each item.
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    Thortons Lady

    The combination of sickly sweet "she who must not be named" and the whispering-in-awe guest is worse than eating a whole sack of the stuff!!!:puke::puke:
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    It's Not All About You

    If she's that concerned and hurt anyway why on earth does she trawl the forums looking for trouble?!? She just loves the adulation over on Twitter - coukd she not just use that to feed her self-obsession? Sorry, but her sickly sweet style covering the steel inner just puts me right off.
  13. C

    Lily O'Brien chocs...

    Are they not another defection from Ideal World? I'm sure they were on there for a while>
  14. C

    Profit margins

    Ms Peternel has just announced that they've sold a million and a half of these CD's. Now there's a profit!! (Never mind the issue of how many of these were the ones that so many people found badly flawed.)
  15. C

    Profit margins

    Interesting little slipup by Diane Peternel this morning - they're flogging a set of three MCS CD's for £9.99 so Howard was doing his usual wittering and said "Who pays £3.33 for one CD with a graphics program?" To which Ms Peternel said they did - that was the cost price!!!!!!!! Great profit...
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    Julia's New Shoes!!!!!

    And she's beyond ridiculous just now on the Centgrade show - she obviously thinks she's a biker's moll - black leather jacket, zipped leggings and even with that she's still wearing the toeposts! What's more frightening is when you see her fancying herself in the monitor!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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    Neu lash

    Wouldn't touch it with a bargepole - check this out
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    Win24 advert / Martin Parker

    Think you have to be "toilet challenged' for that advert - Debbie Shore looked as if she was practically crossing her legs in the earlier one!
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    Julia's asking for votes

    Am horrified to see that SM is 2nd top of the list! No doubt all the T-callers who worship at the feet of JR. This just makes me sick.
  20. C

    Does anyone else think that Julia Robert's daughter has an equine face?

    Gawd, you can see her mother in Image2!!! Oops, beat me to it Vampyre!