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  1. C

    why has'nt this been mentioned :)

    They're obviously keeping this one a secret ; my EPG isn't showing craft at all at the weekend - it shows a completely different schedule of programmes, and IW's own TV Guide on the website isn't even complete!! Maybe they haven't made enough money since the last boreathon!
  2. C

    Are We going to see lots of new items now on IW?

    Crikey- looks like there's another "The Apprentice" in the offing, either that or it's IW's subtle way of trying to make their presenters look good again!
  3. C

    pavers pig'o'the day

    I have to confess I tried to buy a pair last night but after going through the rigmarole of using their new In First all-singing-all-dancing ABSOLUTELY RUBBISH new ordering system the order didn't go through. You know, they really do need to be had up for misrepresentation. It's neither...
  4. C

    Don't Miss Julia, Claire and Catherine Tap Dancing Tomorrow!!

    Have just watched it - I thought JR used to be a dancer!?!?! Not much sign of it there!
  5. C


    I think it comes with the 21st century corsetry! Mind you if you see a clip it'll put you off for life!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. C


    No, they've got at least 4 different makes of 'slimming wear' so she's probably wearing the lot all at once. After all they do swear by each brand depending on what they're presenting at the time. And they've now got the DVD of 'Bunion Julie' demonstarting how to put them on, so she'll be OK!
  7. C

    Fryatt stepping down

    Here's one to play with - David Williams was once Chairman of a company called Slug and Lettuce plc!!! No, I'm not making it up! Here's the link
  8. C

    The V-Slicer Innovation.......

    yeah, 15 years ago!! I bought one of these at an Ideal Homes type exhibition at least 15 years ago, and it honestly hasn't changed a jot. IW seem to be picking up more and more from the 'exhibition gimmick' side of the market - the Ped Egg, Brickie, paint system, etc etc are all things I've...
  9. C

    And for a treat its CRAFT DAY again 7 Oct !!

    That looks like a seriously cr*ppy piece of REALLY badly cut decoupage. And how many flowery decoupage kits have we had in the last few weeks anyway? Please can they not get rid of "one-idea" Weightman and get in someone with a bit of imagination? I know it was "love 'em or hate 'em, but the...
  10. C

    And for a treat its CRAFT DAY again 7 Oct !!

    You mean even better than Thursday's disaster?
  11. C

    Moira C

    That was the outfit she wore to show off the benefits of 21st Century corsetry as well!!
  12. C

    Lyn the model.....

    They're getting paid too damn much if they can afford that! And all for modelling bunions and bulges!
  13. C

    Get ready for yet another craft weekend...woopee

    Don't know about Tesco but they already have in inroad into ASDA! The ucreate range is theirs!
  14. C

    Get ready for yet another craft weekend...woopee

    You know, the past day, with the exception of Dennice, really wasn't too bad, and was wonderful in contrast with the last 2 hours of La Weightman. I still can't see the point of her being there - she's the least effective of their list of presenters.
  15. C

    21st century

    Sorry, but I coudn't see any difference in the views of Julie, front and back, in the black dress! and Loen, God love her, must have had her eyes shut tight when she checked the mirror. Don't get me wrong, I reckon Loen is probably the best presenter they have - I love the way she doen't take...
  16. C

    They'll never cut back on craft!!

    Today's business news! Crafting boom at Ideal Shopping 15 Sep 2008 By Rachael Taylor Sales of craft products are booming at multichannel retailer Ideal Shopping, with sales up 24 per cent year on year. The product area outperformed other struggling sectors of the business, particularly...
  17. C

    Another company lost?

    I'm wondering if they've now lost Palson? Shaun is on just now flogging a different, considerably cheaper, induction hob than the ones they used to sell -no brand name being bragged. Can't check their website - surprise, surprise it's down!!
  18. C

    Why lie? IW please read!

    Am only posting this because we know folk from IW read the forum. I just wonder why they have to lie so blatantly at times? They've been going on and on this afternoon about extending the free P&P to midnight because the website has been down, yet they mentioned on the first craft preview shows...
  19. C

    Another craft weekend

    Can't believe it - the Craft Weekend finishes tomorrow night and according to my EPG there's a Craft POTD starting on Tuesday night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is this really correct?
  20. C

    Halogen Oven

    I don't think I'm really terribly adventurous yet, but I just do things for a bit less time and at a slightly lower temperature - not very helpful, I know, but I just had to alter my mindset and remind myself that it was still an oven, just easier to keep an eye on. I know that sounds a bit...