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  1. ArticMule

    Not doing so bad....

    I agree. Following a (financially) challenging divorce I have managed to pull things together and have security with a little comfort. While I would like another party to share my twilighting years with all I seem to meet are conmen out to see what they can get. Ah well just as well I am happy...
  2. ArticMule

    The Power of Persuasion

    You need some hi-viz tape. I dated a guy in construction for a while and he taped one of my gate posts for me to make reversing in with no light in mid winter easier for me.
  3. ArticMule

    Lab grown diamonds

    I can remember when telly shopping was looked down on as poor quality and feel that some jewellers may still have that view. In my simple world if the gold/gem is like for like in grade and clarity having nothing, QVC, Gems or Tiffany etched shouldn't impact the price. But I suppose like...
  4. ArticMule

    Nanny McFee Needed please

    To hear of your storage rooms made me feel so much better about my own hording habits and the perpetual challenge of where to hide it all 😊