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  1. BusyMum

    A - Z Beauty Brands

    Coty D ..
  2. BusyMum

    A-Z of Surnames

    Kitchener L ..
  3. BusyMum

    Make a new word

    Raptor R ..
  4. BusyMum

    Male - Female names....

    Lynnette M
  5. BusyMum

    A - Z Films...

    Holiday Inn I ..
  6. BusyMum

    A-Z Tv Shows

    Up Pompeii V ..
  7. BusyMum

    Slanket can you help please?

    well you do at least get honest ones and not a load of guff about how it'll dramatically change your life!
  8. BusyMum

    Slanket can you help please?

    I got mine today - to quote JF, I love love love it..!
  9. BusyMum

    Slanket can you help please?

    ...we should be on commission..! what colour did you go for Letz-be-avenue?
  10. BusyMum

    Slanket can you help please?

  11. BusyMum

    Slanket can you help please?

    I've got one of those too..turns over with the duvet tucked into his neck, and most of the duvet goes with him!
  12. BusyMum

    random thoughts or observations

    She's one of my favourite her early days it used to get on my nerves a bit when she seemed unprofessional and got things wrong, but she's improved and while she's still not 100% "polished", I like that, and I like her, she does seem a very natural and likeable person.
  13. BusyMum

    Organic Pharmacy

    I'm a big fan of hot cloth cleansers (nspa & Superdrug normally) but recently I bought a pot of Ultrabland from Lush..around a's lovely..still remove it with a hot cloth and it leaves my skin feel really clean & could go farther and do worse!
  14. BusyMum

    My name is....and I wear glasses.

    I've never fancied contact lenses, couldn't put them in and take them out I don't think! DD's worn them since she could afford to pay for them tho. My last two pairs of frames have cost me £26, but the lenses are over £100..I need one almost clear glass for the eye that is still lazy, and jam...
  15. BusyMum

    My name is....and I wear glasses.

    that rings a bell...maybe my curtains had to be kept closed but not sure about the brown paper on the light business! I would definitely feel strange without my specs..sort of "vulnerable" somehow - I hide behind them..!
  16. BusyMum

    My name is....and I wear glasses.

    They do suit some people - what's her name that does the news..Alicia something or other? I think she looks fab in hers. My DD started wearing them at 5...I couldn't get her to go into school wearing them so I made her promise to give them to "Miss", who duly showed them to the class and made a...
  17. BusyMum

    My name is....and I wear glasses.

    I think I should've been picked up for specs long before I was....I had measles when I was around 4 and my mum said I had it bad, under my eyelids too..she always blamed it for my bad eyesight, who knows, she may have been right...a lazy eye and a squint when I was tired too. My optician tho...
  18. BusyMum

    My name is....and I wear glasses.

    I've worn them since the age of 11 or 12..NHS ones too and with a brown-sticky-paper patch at can imagine what I went thru at school! But nowadays nobody thinks twice and I love mine..I'd miss them in fact as I fiddle with them when I'm nervous so would probably end up poking myself...
  19. BusyMum

    Slanket can you help please?

    well I've ordered one and it's my third..! I have a travel one that lives's shorter and wearable back to front like a dressing gown when it's cold..the large one is upstairs and sometimes, being as OH doesn't seem to feel the cold, I get under the slanket under the duvet and...