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  1. Choppysocks

    A Reason Why Some Orders Never Arrive?

    Good result, I'm sure the other lady will be pleased due to your efforts.
  2. Choppysocks

    OK come on then... own up...

    Thanks, I think I follow you, when it comes (on advance orders) I'll give it a whirl and let you know. I have tons of chopsticks, no idea why as I cannot use them! :grin: :mysmilie_514:
  3. Choppysocks

    OK come on then... own up...

    I'm hoping the colour match is good as I'm a natural redhead and stopped dying it a year ago. I've gone for the red and blonde and am hopings it works.
  4. Choppysocks

    OK come on then... own up...

    If you are having chemo you are entitled to a wig from the NHS. This does NOT mean an NHS wig, my mum got a voucher from the hospital and we went to a wig shop in a lovely boutique arcade. My mum had the pick of the shop, she went for a long one in her own hair colour from the Raquel Welch...
  5. Choppysocks

    Dawn Bibby TSV

    I didnt think to count mine. They came loose in the box, and some in a seperate poly bag (not sure why). I did get the example sheet. I havent tried the CD yet, but have made up some cards and the kit is lovely, I have lots of patterned paper and card, and have not had any trouble matching up...
  6. Choppysocks

    OK come on then... own up...

    Well I'll own up to just ordering the scrunchie and the bangs! My hair needs lots of work on it to look anything like, so hopefully this will save time on those bad hair days. I dont mind hair pieces at all, I have a variety of pieces and wigs that I wear to the goth weekends and they look fab...
  7. Choppysocks

    A Reason Why Some Orders Never Arrive?

    I'd ring customer services or email and let them know, they would be able to trace who the packer was for that order I'm sure.
  8. Choppysocks

    Julia's asking for votes

    But I like a good debate :rock:
  9. Choppysocks

    xen tan

    Just stay pale and beautiful :)
  10. Choppysocks

    Julia's asking for votes

    :wonder: Where is the evidence that she is using a connection from ITV to bump her votes. Sophie has Julia currently canvassing via a large TV medium. I give up! :mysmilie_850:
  11. Choppysocks

    A little concerned over ear-rings at QVC

    Also, newly pierced ears can sometime weep and ooze, and the residue could be left on the earring, this doesnt mean you would catch anything, but not nice all the same.
  12. Choppysocks

    Julia's asking for votes

    Anything after 2009 with ITV? I did say she gave it up a year ago.
  13. Choppysocks

    Julia's asking for votes

    Well this could go on forever, but 'a quick Google search of Sophie vote for heros' gets me local rags, and Julias blog. And 'a quick Google search of Annette vote for heros' gets me local rags, and Julias blog! :mysmilie_507::mysmilie_507: I cannot see evidence from 'a quick Google search' of...
  14. Choppysocks

    Julia's asking for votes

    I saw that on Julias post, but Sophie didnt make that clear, so if you did not know her you would have no clue as to why it was 'close to her heart'. Surely you would want to make this known for potential voters? (unless of course they are coming via a QVC blog and it doesn't really matter).
  15. Choppysocks

    Julia's asking for votes

    I dont know who she is in media terms? However, she has a whole family connection with the millitary and her husbands squadron has raised £10,000 for the charity. I wonder how much JR/Sophie have raised other than self promotion?
  16. Choppysocks

    Debbie F on Birkis

    Yep until you drop something on your feet, fall over when running to an emergency, patient stamps on your toes, trip over when restraining someone and someone ends up hurt (I work in mental health). Also they do not look professional or hygienic, I want my staffs toes well under wraps please...
  17. Choppysocks

    Does anyone else think that Julia Robert's daughter has an equine face?

    You did indeed, I laughed out loud when I saw that in her 'CV'. :mysmilie_510::mysmilie_510::mysmilie_498: Would that be the strange 'bunny twitch' that she keeps doing, take a look on this video here. In fact you can see clearly hear that she has no stage presence at all, she is so...
  18. Choppysocks

    Julia's asking for votes

    Sophie states that it is 'close to her heart', so why did she not elaborate more on that and tell us why? I voted for Lisa Deegan, she seems to have a natural beauty that given the right promotion (like Sophie has) would only be enhanced. I can thank Julia for directing me to that site so that...
  19. Choppysocks

    Does anyone else think that Julia Robert's daughter has an equine face?

    Just read this back to myself, I didnt mean for it to sound like I want everyone banned (would have to include myself if that was the case!). I just meant why single out one person when many (me included) shared our opinions :taphead:
  20. Choppysocks

    Does anyone else think that Julia Robert's daughter has an equine face?

    The word 'Diva' comes to mind :rolleyes: