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  1. sja307

    The return of JR... & shes still a size small !

    Yes I thought she was quite rude to Sally the model who was wearing a size small and JR said to her (Sally) she could easily get away with wearing the Medium!!! Bet she would be P****d off if someone said that to her !!!
  2. sja307

    Runway Lessons

    Strange how opinion differs, I love Frankie but don't like Goody at all sorry x
  3. sja307

    Alpha-H TSV 12/5/11

    Anybody know what it will be yet ??
  4. sja307

    Make-up at bedtime???

    ROFLMAO Brilliant xx
  5. sja307

    Alpha H

    Does anybody happen to know when the next Alpha H TSV is have looked through TV guide but cant find any??
  6. sja307

    Smashbox 5pm Hour

    Brilliant and I ROFLMAO at your fantastic comment. Love it xx
  7. sja307

    Au Revoir Debbie Paver and Fly Flots!

    OMG a whole channel dedicated to Pavers, think I have lost the will to live :0((
  8. sja307

    Where's the value gone?

    totally agree, I hardly buy anything nowadays
  9. sja307

    P&P Gone mad.

    totally agree, I like M Asam skincare, and I also refuse the pay the high P & P. They do multi P & P on grotty fashion why can't they do the same for skincare ranges..
  10. sja307

    Is America ready for Richard J?

    Poor USA no doubt he will bore them to death, great for us as well we don't have to put up with him YIPPEE !!!!!
  11. sja307

    Nina Leonard Designer

    Well said Tinkerbelle, I like him to so you aren't alone xx
  12. sja307

    Liz Earle Skin Repair

    Maybe its her other half :0))
  13. sja307

    JR could take a style tip from.........

    Agree I like her to, and you will always hear her say she's a size 14/16 good for you Debbie.
  14. sja307

    Oh no

    My beautiful black labrador boys Ringo & Cadley.
  15. sja307

    Liz Earle

    Agree with you I didn't like the Cleansing gel from Elemis either yet I like all there other products, have also gone back to using Cleanse & Polish as well.
  16. sja307

    Oh no

    Love it xx
  17. sja307

    Oh no

    I can't belive it Dean trying to flog Moira C Scarflace, but hold on not just any old scarflace but Moira's picks/ Mothers favourite collection. Apparently these would be a lovely gift for Mothers Day. Please forgive me but's it's safe to say my children would never in a 1000 years buy me...
  18. sja307

    Barbie aka michele hope

    See madam's off this morning with yet more vile flimsy lace creations, see she still sporting the blonde hair extensions and fake nails. I think its about time she grew up!!! Sorry rant over!!!!!!!!!!!:down:
  19. sja307

    Huntleys Hair

    PML love it xx
  20. sja307

    Anne dawson in tights!!

    Agree with you, just wish she would get her hair cut it does nothing for her