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    Lyndsay ...

    Couldn’t agree more. Particularly with pendants and earrings. Fed up trying to gauge size from presenters showing them on their hands. We need to see them in situ to know how they will look.. Jeff does often do this with pendants but the others rarely. Personally I think those see through...
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    Quartzite Jade REALLY!

    What your granddaughters will get is a collection of jewellery lovingly put together by their grandmother and I’m sure you’re hoping they won’t sell but instead will wear and enjoy. The good thing about jewellery is that although it goes out of fashion it always comes back in again. Jewellery is...
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    Quartzite Jade REALLY!

    Why on earth would anyone here be ‘sour grapes’ . It’s not as if buying from Gemporia is a privilege that is denied to us. We are all very welcome to buy from them if we want to. If you are happy that’s great but not everyone is and some feel cheated when they see pieces sold at auction for a...
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    Good value items

    I’m wondering what people think of the Lorique multi coloured diamond rings and pendants shown on Sun. They don’t seem to have a lot of colour and they are not cheap. Anyone buy one ?
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    Good value items

    Thought this was good when I saw it reduced to £799. Over 5 cts and a good weight of gold. Diamonds are tiny but still add sparkle. Design a little bit different to usual.
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    Random musings on TJC

    Yes it is higher priced jewellery items but I really don’t think it’s likely to be people buying to resell as they usually don’t buy and item comes round again. I have seen the same item of which there is just one left coming round for months with bids every time. Also I have had no...
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    Random musings on TJC

    With regard to the rising auctions I think a snowball in hell would have more chance than there is of their reforming their running of them . Many bidders including me have been complaining about their tactics for years. They have gone from being fun with a chance of bagging a bargain to being a...
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    Random musings on TJC

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    Gemporia warned yet again by the ASA...........

    It’s clear that they don’t give a toss what warnings they get. They are going to carry on seriously misleading people. And does anyone know why she continually talks about Golconda diamonds when selling Argyle. They were Indian diamonds as far as I know and if there’s any connection I can’t...
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    Gemporia warned yet again by the ASA...........

    I was amazed to hear Adina say tonight on the 10 o’clock hourthat Argyle diamonds are far higher on the MOH scale than other diamonds. What on earth. Surely all diamonds are 10 on the MOH scale. Will they ever stop.
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    I ALWAYS go to Cookson gold for chains and findings. Nowhere else comes close to the value they offer.
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    I’ve got that lovely Rachel G bangle too. Think she said the stones are supposed to depict a river running. Love it. As a rule I find TJC are better quality than Gemporia but Gemporia used to have more variety . Not any more sadly.
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    Who has had Gemporia jewellery valued

    Do you not think you are being a little hard on yourself. Going back a few years they did sell a little lower than high street jewellers and had more unusual things so you probably got things that you enjoy cheaper than if you went to town to buy. I’m sure you bought because you liked and not to...
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    Who has had Gemporia jewellery valued

    I know the jeweller who I ask to do valuations.i always ask him did I get it at a reasonable price or as good or better than if I went into town today to get something similar. That’s really what I want to know. If he said it was a rip off I’d return. I’m not intending to sell so the resale...
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    Who has had Gemporia jewellery valued

    When I started buying from them I brought a diamond item to be valued. He valued it at somewhat more than I paid. Maybe 10-20%. Certainly nothing like they claim. This was a number of years ago. As the standard has gone down so much I reckon it’d be a good idea to do it again if I get an...
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    I think the feedback is getting through

    They had quartzite jade on again I think yesterday if memory serves.
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    Ludicrous Prices

    I had a look in and saw Angeline flogging a multi sapphire ring for £699 which I have seen previously for 425. Nice little profit. Maybe Angeline thinks she is so adored by her fans that they will pay ANYTHING. I hope she’s not right. If so I can only wonder why.
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    TJC £1 Auctions

    Yes it is just for more expensive items.. Obviously if they are cheap items then it’s not important to them to push up the price. I’m baffled as to how you saw a message quoting a reserve price as they go to great lengths to maintain that there is no reserve price. As for the same initials...
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    TJC £1 Auctions

    They have had many many complaints about these auctions. When they used to have a customer forum they had complaints all the time. They are blatantly dishonest. Lots of the bids are not real bids at all. If you look regularly you’ll get to know the initials of these. If after all the obstacles...
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    Gemporia - ASA 'final warning' - AT LAST!

    It was towards the end of the 9-10 hour. I wrote the message straight after. Couldn’t believe it after everything.