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  1. clevercat

    Just how many skincare TSVs do they expect us to buy?

    Actually tempted by this one as I use Philosophy and love the When Hope is not Enough cream and will need a new one soon at nearly the same price as the TSV itself. Also use the serum and would love to try the new serum in the blue bottle. Got a stockpile of the Hope in a Jar though, will have...
  2. clevercat

    Everyone in the operating theatre can smell me....*giggle*

    I would be very surprised if theatre staff are allowed to wear perfume particularly at the strength Babs was boasting about. A surgeon needs to be able to use all their senses including smell in the operating theatre, not too mention it is not a good idea for their eyes to be watering from the...
  3. clevercat

    if qvc could give you anything....

    I was going to say a RLM pendant in clearance that I have liked for ages but reading the previous posts I see that I have not really given the matter enough thought.
  4. clevercat

    Postage (again)

    There were a couple of things I liked the look of the other day costing around the £5.00 mark and the postage was £4.95. I am just not going to spend as much on postage as the product even if I am cutting off my nose to spite my face. It is just wrong.
  5. clevercat

    alan and barry rumours

    I am definately amazed by this news. What has brought this about?
  6. clevercat

    QVC- has become stale & jaded

    I watched a bit of Craft Day but it was a lot of "same old same old" when it wasn't Kanban. I recorded quite a lot but doubt I will watch it. Was looking forward to some of the afternoon shows and planned to sit and watch these but turned on the tv and found gushing CH, the crafter's friend was...
  7. clevercat

    Craft TSV tonight

    Thank you SCW for the details. I like to know exactly what is in the kits and sometimes Dawn is waving sparkly/shiny card at the camera and it is hard to see the designs in detail. Add CH giving her craft advice over the info and I'm none the wiser.
  8. clevercat

    Gossip Watch

    I have the white gossip watch. I love it and am so pleased I bought it. Oddly it really isn't my usual style but I wouldn't part with it. Slightly paranoid about chipping the surface but I thought white nail varnish or a tiny pot of model makers enamel paint would fix this. No problems yet.
  9. clevercat

    Kara Baker

    I'm sure she left to have the baby fully intending to return to QVC. Around the time she would have come back one of the male presenters mentioned that she was going to be off a bit longer because she was enjoying her baby so much but still intended to come back but she never did. I liked her...
  10. clevercat

    Does It Annoy You...........

    I agree completely with all the above posts. Spot on everyone. Thanks for the laughs I need them today.
  11. clevercat

    "INCREDIBLE" Dawn/Catherine's "in" word

    I thought Dawn looked larger than usual next to Catherine, then I wondered if CH had lost quite a lot of weight and that made Dawn look different. I can't think of a more diplomatic way of putting it sorry. I was looking forward to the rare opportunity to watch craft on my own without any...
  12. clevercat

    Kirks Folly

    If it helps with FARTing re the shiny, sparkly watch star234, read the reviews. Several mention stones falling out after a short time. So it might not sparkle for long if you gave in. Hope this helps.
  13. clevercat

    questions you'd like to ask qvc and presenters..

    My brain hurts just thinking where you'd start with Ideal World. Fab idea though.
  14. clevercat

    polypoos, or something, hilarious

    Oooooh already missing Harald. Waiting for October's return.
  15. clevercat

    Honora Pearl TSV Thursday 27th of August

    I like those too. Very annoying to see them at such a reasonable clearance price too and yet out of reach. It would be lethal to have the QVC US range of items in Honora alone available to us methinks. It would be a struggle to carry on FARTING then.
  16. clevercat

    The funniest time on QVC

    I fear she is going down with all guns blazing rather than getting some styling help to dress for the shape/size she now is rather than the totty she used to be. It is silly as she could look so attractive in less tight clothes and a better hair style.
  17. clevercat

    My make up stockpile

    Very surprised when I read how long the average visit is. Unless I am very short of time I get on here and it is like visiting Narnia, I am ages catching up on the gossip etc.
  18. clevercat

    Please Mr director tell Catherine

    I agee Artemis. I am not a huge fan of DB either but she does have a lot of crafting knowledge and brings a lot of products to QVC that I am interested in knowing more about and buying when I can afford to.
  19. clevercat

    Did anyone else hear........

    i wondered if it was something to reveal or conceal frankly. The problem is so many people dislike him it really isn't a recommend for the products.
  20. clevercat

    Please Mr director tell Catherine

    Thank goodness CH has not presented craft so much recently. I am a crafter and like to watch the craft shows to see new products and sample cards, given up on actual demos as there is never enough time. However nothing induces me to watch if Catherine is on with Dawn for the reasons Aranlady has...