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  1. Jack Bohlen

    Aeropilates TSV 29/12/22

    Julia is going to break that f*cking thing before the end of the show.
  2. Jack Bohlen

    Random musings and general banter.

    I use my stomach as a cocktail blender. Old school.
  3. Jack Bohlen

    Random musings and general banter.

    I'm saving up for a Christopher Ward watch ... check them out. 500-1000.
  4. Jack Bohlen

    HRH Julia at her most condescending this afternoon

    The fact Julia finally decided to get married to her long time partner says it all ... was she waiting for George Clooney to make his move or something? Get over yourself.
  5. Jack Bohlen

    Random musings and general banter.

    While I was flicking I saw a 'Rostock', 'Rostov' ... something like that, watch. It was 700 quid. I swear I've seen similar watches in a seaside town I won't name on sale for 10 quid. Who buys this utter tat? The box it comes with looks like it's worth more.
  6. Jack Bohlen

    HRH Julia at her most condescending this afternoon

    Dale hasn't shown any interest in her for months, he's moved on to another lady at QVC apparently.
  7. Jack Bohlen

    Gatineau and Andrew

    He reminds me of Andrew Castle ... very middle-class, very vanilla. Mr. Castle could probably be a good salesman of lotions and potions, certainly better than being a radio presenter! :LOL:
  8. Jack Bohlen

    Random musings and general banter.

    The bloke who flogs 'Mulberry Silk' should be the front man for selling coffins ... I've never seen someone so serious. **** sake, they're bed sheets. Anyone would think someone had just died.
  9. Jack Bohlen

    HRH Julia at her most condescending this afternoon

    # Near, far, wherever you are ... # (Where's the f-ing iceberg when you need it?)
  10. Jack Bohlen

    HRH Julia at her most condescending this afternoon

    I always liked it when Julia used to tell Marjolein how to use a Pilates machine. :rolleyes: Frankly, I'm surprised Julia didn't break the fucking thing.
  11. Jack Bohlen

    Ruth Langsford Fashion TSV 10/09/22

    It's not insulting to say Ruth has big teeth. It would be insulting, for example, to say she likes being offered sugar cubes.
  12. Jack Bohlen

    Ruth Langsford Fashion TSV 10/09/22

    Ruth Langsford oral hygiene range ... here's a sneak peak at her toothbrush:
  13. Jack Bohlen

    Alison Young

    Not entirely sure why anyone feels the need to ride horses around in this day and age, we have a thing call a 'car'. I think there's probably a 'horsey' clique amoung certain QVC presenters ... it all smacks of very aspirational middle-class values, like the little girl who always dreams of...
  14. Jack Bohlen

    Alison Young

    Geeezus. Lucky she's not been paralysed.
  15. Jack Bohlen

    Qvc cost of living winners and losers

    There's a good idea for Ruthless ... design something with loads of hidden pockets so you can sneak pre-mixed cans of cocktails and nibbles into the cinema/theatre. I prefer a nice warm marmite sandwich myself, but then again I'm a bit odd like that. :unsure:
  16. Jack Bohlen

    Qvc cost of living winners and losers

    I did read somewhere that economists often say that one of the most resilient products during a recession are flowers ... so make of that what you will. Not sure what flowers QVC sells, apart from that fake ones, Peony something? I think they will be 'winners'. That woman who fronts them is a...
  17. Jack Bohlen

    Another Lemon?

    I hate her servile self-seeking flattering of Ruthless. Turns my stomach. I get the impression Jackie prances around telling everyone that she was a 'star' on breakfast TV. Probably thinks selling tat on a shopping channel is beneath her. I'd love to be a fly on the wall at QVC, I bet there's so...
  18. Jack Bohlen

    Another Lemon?

    I wonder how long it will be untill Jackie Kabler's hair falls out? It's been dyed to within an inch of it's life for at least 10 years.
  19. Jack Bohlen

    I don't like or trust Will Gowling, discuss.

    What about the hyper guy who flogs Apple and other tech shite? I bet Will hates him. I bet Will has a hissy-fit and stamps his little feet if he talks to Alison Young.