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  1. Meeshoo

    'Disney Couture' - Give me strength!

    OMG - where's the vomit smilie?????
  2. Meeshoo

    Problems getting repairs done.

    Sarah - can you post a link or photo of the item? I wonder if there is a flaw in the design?
  3. Meeshoo

    Shambala bracelets

    I took my daughter to ballet today and they were selling them there. There are two sizes (one has bigger balls, oooo errrr Mrs). The larger is very heavy and the smaller one is quite light both had the same number of balls (think 9 but haven't counted). Not sure which ones TJC are selling.
  4. Meeshoo

    Shambala bracelets

    Oooops, I guess now is not the time to confess that I have a black one? I bought it several months ago and it looks great with a plain black jumper and a pair of grey tailored trousers! I've seen the coloured ones and honestly they look cheap by comparison so I haven't been remotely tempted by...
  5. Meeshoo

    A lot of familiar looking things ...

    They're (unsurprisingly) being sold for more than the buying price - so people would be best buying from GemsTV and benefiting from the returns policy! Many people have bought and sold on Ebay like this and I don't think GemsTV mind - at the end of the day they've still sold them. The...
  6. Meeshoo

    Lorique tanzanite

    This last weekend I watched for the first time for ages and saw some stunning Tanzanite pieces. So if it was one of those you're interested in then the ones I saw looked good. The best thing to do is price match - so watch other channels and break down the price per carat (allowing a bit of...
  7. Meeshoo

    On line catalogue prices

    Sounds like a set price then so it may not have sold for less. I honestly don't watch enough GemsTV anymore to say with any certainty. I watched for the first time last weekend (and then made a purchase) but other than that don't think I've even had a look for months. I wonder if I'm cured of...
  8. Meeshoo

    On line catalogue prices

    I'm pretty sure that the catalogue prices are significantly higher than the price items go to on screen. I was actually looking for a diamond bracelet and saw one on screen, it was for sale in the catalogue at nearly 3 times the screen price. I think if you phone and say you're interested...
  9. Meeshoo

    How can you ...... ?

    Thanks Sacha. I thought that might be the case but in the good old days you were still able to click on a link and adjust the product code. That doesn't seem to work now which is a real shame. TBH I've got a pretty expensive diamond bracelet on hold and can't blinking remember what it looks...
  10. Meeshoo

    How can you ...... ?

    Get the product information and / or video if it's the last one and on order for you? I want to see the details again but can't access them. Thanks in advance.
  11. Meeshoo


    Poor lead/glass filled, BE diffused, dyed and generally treated to hell and back Rubies are in abundance AND are not expensive. Unfortunately these are the ones that you typically see being sold on TV and in High Street jewellers. Good quality rubies represent a very small proportion of what...
  12. Meeshoo

    Jamie on signed by Katie

    Why are there so many threads on this? Sorry but I think it's disgraceful that this programme is peddling lies. I've reported the programme to Ofcom and suggest others do so too.
  13. Meeshoo

    When is "Lowest Price" really lowest price?

    There is typically a price difference between yellow and white gold. I bet that the goldweight or something superficial (not really superficial but you know what I mean) will account for the difference. It's well worth a phone call to CS to see if they will price match for you. Good luck
  14. Meeshoo

    MixG Tanzanite?

    It's not limited to Tanzanite look at these: and...
  15. Meeshoo

    Vote for Jamie

    I'm appalled that he has been allowed on this programme - he was billed as a "Landscape Gardener" and the programme is misleading in that it's supposed to find an unknown. How Jamie can be an unknown as he's signed to 3 model agencies, been a presenter and according to his website is an actor...
  16. Meeshoo

    Welo Opal update.

    Oh I'm so sorry. That's really disappointing. If you pop down into the Bling section of The Drop, I'll start a thread pointing you in the direction of several places to buy opal that you may have better luck with.
  17. Meeshoo

    What to expect from welo opal

    Settings should never affect gemstones. Opals are judged by colour play and transluency so if you've got one that's muddy as you describe, it's not a good specimen. Typically Welo's have a very light body colour and great ones perform beautifully. Unfortunately photographing opals is fairly...
  18. Meeshoo

    Not great advertising!

    Just received an email advertising Steve's new adventures to Mozambique. You'd think they'd spell his surname right wouldn't you? :cheeky:
  19. Meeshoo

    Don Kogan

    But do they? I'm not so sure! I wonder how many sales actually go through? Also, I wonder how many items are pulled quickly to move on to other items and not sold? Airtime is valuable and spending 30 minutes on a piece is only worth it if the margins are there and you have a few people...
  20. Meeshoo

    Gems tv white diamonds...

    Years ago I would agree but I'm afraid that I don't see the quality now. I don't know why - it could be the economy making it difficult or a number of different things. I keep hoping that things will improve but to be fair I only dip in and out very very very infrequently now.