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  1. MissMagpie

    How do you buy on this channel?

    How maddening! I think they do have a queue-buster system of some kind for existing customers where you press 3(?) instead of 1 and it recognises who you are from your phone number (assuming it's not blocked, of course). But I've never used it; like PearlyQueen, if I want to buy something I...
  2. MissMagpie

    Brazilian Alexandrite - New Collection

    I know alexandrite is expensive, but over a grand for 0.69ct seems a bit extortionate to me!
  3. MissMagpie

    100th Day - 1000 Auctions

    The German sister channel are doing something similar today... I have been watching on and off and bought this: (Unlike Rocks & Co in the UK, they German channel still sells silver.)
  4. MissMagpie

    Welo opal

    P.S. For anyone who is coveting that particular ring, it's available now on the TJC website for £40.95 (and there's a 10% off voucher code shown on the website for catalogue items, so you can get it for £36.85 + p&p).
  5. MissMagpie

    Welo opal

    Here is a photo of my Welo opal ring from TJC. (The rubellite accent stones might not be to everyone's tastes, but they had plenty of plain designs too.) I did the 'best of 3' thing in order to select the nicest opal, but in fact ALL of them were lovely (and I ended up selecting the one with...
  6. MissMagpie


    I know times are hard at the moment, but this just seems cheapskate - and who wants to lose a valuable customer? What's more, the Sale of Goods Act says that goods must be both 'durable' and 'fit for purpose', so it would definitely be worth contacting Trading Standards to see what they say.
  7. MissMagpie

    Tjc blocks accounts

    Meanwhile, if you are keen to continue shopping with them (although I could well understand if you never wanted to buy from them again), I suppose there's nothing to stop you opening another account with a different e-mail address and a variation of your name...
  8. MissMagpie

    Tjc blocks accounts

    I was just thinking about this, and I wonder if it is even legal? It seems very close to being penalised for exercising your statutory rights. It would be worth contacting Trading Standards to find out...
  9. MissMagpie

    Welo opal

    I have just received the Ethiopian opal ring I ordered, and am pleased to say the opal is beautiful: it may be cheap, but it's NOT nasty! I would definitely recommend these pieces to any opal lover, and the price seems excellent. I'm planning to start a collection...
  10. MissMagpie

    Capelinha Sphene

    I absolutely love sphene and bought a couple of pieces from Rocks & Co when they first started, when they were still cheap! The Capelinha sphene on Rocks & Co now is way overpriced. They say it's because it has green tones which are more expensive, which is no dount true, but nothing like that...
  11. MissMagpie

    Welo opal

    Those opals seem quite nice for 'budget end' jewellery - definitely worth taking a look...
  12. MissMagpie

    Welo opal

    Ooops - just answered my own question, by looking at the News section of the Forum: it's launching on Saturday. I noticed that the bracelets currently on the website are faceted; I love faceted opal, and you don't often see it, but the opal has to be very clear otherwise it doesn't really work.
  13. MissMagpie

    Welo opal

    I've just seen the banner saying 'TJC launches Ethiopian Welo opal'. Does anyone know when? Has it been and gone? What were they like? There are a few bracelets on the website, but no rings, pendants or earrings.
  14. MissMagpie

    noble red spinel

    Ha! Fame at last!
  15. MissMagpie

    noble red spinel

    Springflower, the distinction between 'precious' and 'semi-precious' gemstones is no longer officially recognised, since so-called 'semi-precious' gems are very often rarer and more valuable than emerals, rubies or sapphires. A noble red spinel would certainly be rarer than a ruby; I imagine a...
  16. MissMagpie

    100th Day - 1000 Auctions

    That has happened to me on occasion, and is SOOO maddening! I think Rocks & Co should take a look at the issue of the system logging users out automatically, and at least give some kind of warning.
  17. MissMagpie

    100th Day - 1000 Auctions

    I do think this has been fun (if dangerous on the bank balance)! How could I resist this? (Decent gold weight, too.)
  18. MissMagpie

    Has Jerrilee left?

    Yes, congratulations, Jerrilee!
  19. MissMagpie

    Gems Dog

    And here was I thinking they must have introduced a foor-footed friend into the Gems presenting team! (Just think of the potential for gem-encrusted dog collars; didn't they do these a few years ago, or was it just a bad dream I had?)
  20. MissMagpie

    So beautiful!

    No, CountessK - I bought it from Alex(?) in the 'Colours of Life' hour yesterday evening. I adore the 'Colours of Life', and have quite a few pieces; I think it goes back to a childhood memory of being enchanted by a ring in all the colours of the rainbow in the window of a very expensive jewellers!