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  1. Diamond Diva

    Suggestions for my kitten's names !

    The jury's out on that one, she wasn't bothered one way or the other too busy climbing the curtains and using the Yucca pot as a loo to take much notice of me! So far I've tried Lily & Daisy with same response. She also looks quite comical as she has no whiskers, I know their mum's nip them off...
  2. Diamond Diva

    Suggestions for my kitten's names !

    What a coincidence believe it or not BM I was toying with the name Daisy for the little girl yesterday and tried it to see if she liked it !
  3. Diamond Diva

    What's going on?

    And to some extent even us discussing the situation here and now fuels their fires and possibly to their small minds makes them even more important !
  4. Diamond Diva

    Where have the buttons gone?

    Aren't the banners determined by what sites you've been looking at ? Yesterday I used a link posted by a member to look at a Raglan bag, I've never looked at them before and now I have a banner with lots of Raglan bags !
  5. Diamond Diva

    Suggestions for my kitten's names !

    They're both on my lap as I'm typing this, they were settling down for a nap but have decided to have a play fight instead!
  6. Diamond Diva

    What's going on?

    Madge if you leave that'll be really sad and those that are intent on causing trouble win, we can't let that happen there are more of us than them! This is the only forum I'm a member of so I don't know if this sort of thing occurs regularly or not I just hope it'll settle down again once the...
  7. Diamond Diva

    Suggestions for my kitten's names !

    Yes, I got them Sunday evening they're gorgeous, real little characters! :mysmilie_515: I haven't had kittens for 22 years and have forgotten what fun they are, they're hurtling around like little dynamo's, playing with a ping pong ball, climbing up the curtains, my Yucca tree and roughing and...
  8. Diamond Diva

    What's going on?

    Unfortunately a few forum members seem to be dead set on causing trouble whenever they can and a thread that starts out light hearted and fun soon gets hi-jacked and used as an opportunity to snipe and score points against each other. They don't seem to care that it's spoiling it for everyone...
  9. Diamond Diva


    It's an amazing program I'm loving it, penguins are so adorably funny and the innovative the penguin cam's have managed to capture some fantastic shots and I'm loving the music they've chosen for it is brilliant !
  10. Diamond Diva

    Psychiatrist and Proctologist

    Best friends graduated from medical school at the same time and decided that in spite of two different specialities, they would open a practice together to share office space and personnel. Dr. Smith was the psychiatrist and Dr. Jones was the proctologist; they put up a sign reading: Dr...
  11. Diamond Diva

    Financial Planning

    Dan was a single guy living at home with his father and working in the family business. When he found out he was going to inherit a fortune when his sickly father died, he decided he needed to find a wife with whom to share his fortune. One evening, at an investment meeting, he spotted the...
  12. Diamond Diva

    Suggestions for my kitten's names !

    Thanks for your ideas BM, funnily enough Jazz is already on my female consider list, inevitably the decisions will be made once they arrive somehow you look at them and think your a ........ !
  13. Diamond Diva

    Does My Bum Look Big In This?

    Love it ! :mysmilie_484:
  14. Diamond Diva

    Suggestions for my kitten's names !

    Thanks Minim but somehow can't see me at the back door calling out Gnasher or Pepe Le Pew ! :mysmilie_867:
  15. Diamond Diva

    Reflexology - any experiences?

    I've just Googled Reflexologists in my area, there are several but all of them are either £35 or £40 per session so don't tell yours or she'll be putting her rates up !
  16. Diamond Diva

    Reflexology - any experiences?

    BM that's an amazing price. my friend used to do mine when she was gaining her qualifications but sadly doesn't do it any more the one's I've looked at locally are much more than that
  17. Diamond Diva

    Do you remember your "first time"?

    A role for all of us then! :mysmilie_845: :mysmilie_61:
  18. Diamond Diva

    Is Lyn having a little gem?

    I was flipping through the channels this afternoon and Lyn was presenting and she said that no she wasn't pregnant, someone from GES must be reading the threads on here!
  19. Diamond Diva

    Reflexology - any experiences?

    I've had reflexology several times, I love it. I was a little apprehensive the first time I had it done as I'm not keen on having my feet touched but it's so relaxing I really enjoy it.
  20. Diamond Diva

    Silent Witness

    Yes was a bit of a shock