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    Will QVC mark Alison Young's 50 birthday this summer?

    This is how I feel, too. I lost a good friend to a berry aneurism when she was 19 and I was 18. Even though I had just started training to be a nurse and had seen death several times at that age, the death of a (young) friend really pulls everything into perspective. My 54th birthday this year...
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    Laura Geller TSV - 09/02/14

    Thanks rainbow. I have had luck with CS in the past, will have to see what they say. Annoys me that they are willing to send to an outlet for resale at a silly price but not make it worth a customers while to keep it a higher reduced price!
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    Laura Geller TSV - 09/02/14

    My LG TSV arrived today and I was so disappointed that the eye palate is smashed up. I have checked and they are out of stock. Has anyone ever managed to get compensation for part of a kit in these circumstances? I like all the other pieces and the brush is fabulous too, so I don't really want...
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    CEO email address

    Thanks Holmca but I really want to take this to the top. I am sick of being fobbed off and told different things by different people and then being called a liar!
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    CEO email address

    Hi folks. I have tried unsuccessfully to find a thread that lists this and wonder if anyone knows the current contact email for the 'boss'? I really need to lodge a complaint as I am getting nowhere with the customer service bods who all seem to have had a grey matter bypass today! Many thanks...
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    Julia Roberts In The Daily Mail

    The old polio vaccine,the one given on a sugar cube, was a live one, and caused problems in some of the families I was involved with (as a health visitor) because occasionally an older family member wouldn't be covered and would get exposed to the virus through changing the child's nappy. I...
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    Jill Franks with telephone caller!

    Tiddly, I did say it was several years ago when I saw her. She had several layers of clothes on and still looked painfully thin- from what you say she has gained weight since then. Perhaps she also got told to be friendlier ( or maybe she was ill when I saw her and hence not wanting to circulate?)
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    Beulah QVC Model has sadly passed away

    She was one of my favourite models. I read an article with her once where she stated she was one of the first Wonderbra models- they wanted someone smaller to show the improvement to be had ( she said she was a B cup back then.) my prayers go out to her family- she was at least very well loved.
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    Jill Franks with telephone caller!

    I can't stand her. I have seen her caught out in lies so many times- once in front of Liz Earle when she contradicted something she had said minutes earlier in the programme. Liz's face was a picture! She is a hard sell saleswoman but completely turns me off a product. Cringeworthy.i saw her at...
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    Liz Earle Daily Mail article

    I agreed with her sentiments. We should be speaking up more about the premature sexualisation of children. I am aghast at some of the things my friends/people at school dress their kids in. I also agree with her that is is nigh on impossible to turn the clock back, so we should be trying to halt...
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    Easy pay reminder notification

    I wish it showed on our account what easy pays we have going. If it is on there I can never see it!
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    Have I been proven wrong?

    I normally find that if I firmly ask to speak to a manager, eventually I get a response I am satisfied with. I had a horrible experience with a rubbish PC a few years ago, and since then I just use the broken record technique, reference trading standards or do whatever I need to get my way. If...
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    Julia's Birthday

    When you have a potentially fatal illness like Julia, I think it is forgivable that she wants a fuss:every birthday becomes a major achievement and milestone- I am 53 next week and am a 4 year survivor of colon cancer, so that's my twopennorth ;)
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    Embarrassing Moment....

    I think Joy is gorgeous. I remember seeing her on a programmes with her daughter a few years ago, and thought then that she has great self esteem and I wish I could bottle it and give some to my daughter! I remember her daughter wanted her to be 'made under' a little as she felt she dressed too...
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    Ybf tsv 30/3/13

    Considering the mammoth health problem Julia is currently dealing with (possibly terminal-it killed a good friend of mine) I am surprised she is even at work. To expect her to start the show bare faced ( is that what you were wanting ?)under these circumstances is pretty harsh.
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    Amazed that the ecoegg is back on air

    This is my experience, as well. I have saved a fortune on detergent and conditioner sonce I have used wash balls and ecoegg. I agree about the bliddy thing coming apart, though! I still have the little black beads appearing on the filter every now and then-dread to think whether my washer may...
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    Ali Young goes down on a teapot...

    It's interesting the different info given out by doctors. I was told by my Specialist at St Marks that OTC Vit d is perfectly acceptable- it's the type you need individually that matters. As a Health Visitor I was told to recommend OTC Vit d supplements to anyone I thought at risk after...
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    A thought, while everyone is spending like mad...

    I went to Tesco on Saturday, the local food bank had a display and they were asking everyone to buy just one item to donate on the way out. I bought a bagful as I didn't know when I would see them collecting again, but I didn't see anyone else donating and they had very little in the boxes-this...
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    Dennis Basso on the cal ridges programme now.

    His suite is £5,100 PER NIGHT. I wonder how many Carpy coats he had to sell, and poor animals he skinned, to afford that? Sorry the title should say CLARIDGES
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    Bit p*ssed off...

    In order to return under DSR, the item has to be resaleable-ie, unused. So you can't use cosmetics or toiletries and then return under DSR. Obviously you can try them and return them, but you wouldn't get your outward p&p back if they notice you have opened them.