Random musings and general banter.


Help Support ShoppingTelly:

This may sound bad, But bar a card and either money or a present, I don’t think we’ve ever done anything, Bar maybe when I was Small.

Pubs and Restuarants, always appear busy, and because of a) my wheelchair and b) I don’t really like crowds, probably do something. In April,when on holiday, or when we get a nice day and we can sit outside
The afternoon tea was a more recent thing as she got older, I wanted to treat her more and she loved getting dressed up with full make up and nice jewellery.

And I didn't book for the day itself, usually a week or two after as it could be difficult to get a reservation. Her favourite was The Ritz! Mega expensive but a great experience.
My dad purchased them not me, Think they were like a grand a window we needed 5
You could at least have donated two of them to Pete's Chez Hovel dwelling (even if they weren't the right size :)). It must be so cold for Pete and Bet without having glass in the windows, electric light, running water, a toilet and anything else he claims he's without this week.
I lost my mum in 2020 because of covid - she didn’t have covid, she had a bad fall then had a blood clot. The hospital wouldn’t admit her as they said she was high risk of catching it. My mum had no underlying health conditions and walked at least 4 miles a day. Shocking and devastating 😢😡
I'm so sorry to hear that x

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