Frank Usher


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Nov 2, 2021
Just watching the Frank Usher show with good old June. Honestly, that hideous thing she's wearing, looks like one of the floral nylon overalls I used to wear in my chambermaid days! The awful polyester tatt she's flogging under the old guise of couture/chic is laughable.The top is £51 if you include the p and p, not cheap imo. ( just been on m and s sale and picked up a roll neck jumper, a soft knit striped jumper, a modal tee shirt and a snuggly check scarf, total £31, bargain. )
Agree completely Cashers! I’m watching for the entertainment value only! What on earth was that monstrosity she was flogging at the start of the show? A dreadful sludge coloured zip up thing , which resembled a threadbare candlewick bedspread. June reckoned it was the kind of thing you’d find in a little boutique in Paris. What planet is she on.
Agree completely Cashers! I’m watching for the entertainment value only! What on earth was that monstrosity she was flogging at the start of the show? A dreadful sludge coloured zip up thing , which resembled a threadbare candlewick bedspread. Junvge reckoned it was the kind of thing you’d find in a little boutique in Paris. What planet is she on.
Did you watch when she said the hideous animal print parka was just like an outfit that the "girls" from Sex and the City would wear!! I literally spit my tea out!! And as for the little boutique in Paris😂😂😂. As you say, comedy value only!
I go to Paris fairly frequently as I have a friend in France and I have never seen anyone there wearing such hideous nonsense and I've never heard such utter rubbish as that that comes out of June's mouth.

The test of any outfit, would you wear this is Paris or even more so in Milan? However looking at some of the so called celebs at various events anything we would have called ‘smart’ in the old days is a definite No No now.
Did you watch when she said the hideous animal print parka was just like an outfit that the "girls" from Sex and the City would wear!! I literally spit my tea out!! And as for the little boutique in Paris😂😂😂. As you say, comedy value only!
The idea of an animal print parka might appeal to some, but this one was badly made and cheaply finished on hems and seams. It has a glimmer of 'fashion' but did not carry it off. If it had been up to the standard of clothes worn by the Sex and the City group, the cost would have been much too high for Frank Usher to produce and for QVC to buy.
The test of any outfit, would you wear this is Paris or even more so in Milan? However looking at some of the so called celebs at various events anything we would have called ‘smart’ in the old days is a definite No No now.
Photos of celebs at events and when they're caught on camera shopping or coming out of a restaurant are so different.
Agree completely Cashers! I’m watching for the entertainment value only! What on earth was that monstrosity she was flogging at the start of the show? A dreadful sludge coloured zip up thing , which resembled a threadbare candlewick bedspread. June reckoned it was the kind of thing you’d find in a little boutique in Paris. What planet is she on.
A little boutique in Paris that sells second hand clothes, maybe. There were trousers to match. Unbelievable.
Outside of QVC June wouldn't be seen dead in any of it. In fact I think this whole going to the opera, ladies who lunch thing is all a front. June probably works in Tesco when she's finished presenting.

I think it's all make believe where June is concerned. She'll chew nails and spit rust when the cameras are off her. Her attitude is all for her huge QVC following imo. Her hairstyle as well. When will she change out of those black trousers, I wonder.
The idea of an animal print parka might appeal to some, but this one was badly made and cheaply finished on hems and seams. It has a glimmer of 'fashion' but did not carry it off. If it had been up to the standard of clothes worn by the Sex and the City group, the cost would have been much too high for Frank Usher to produce and for QVC to buy.
It's a weird enough garment as it, but the visible poor quality made it a million times worse. When June opened it up to see the lining - er what lining? you could see daylight through the fabric and a hideous band of stitching that should've been covered up properly. There's no way that would serve anyone as a coat as the wind would whistle straight down that stupid sticky out neckline, and who would gather their coat in with a flimsy bit of ribbon and £75 - I don't think so!
I think it's all make believe where June is concerned. She'll chew nails and spit rust when the cameras are off her. Her attitude is all for her huge QVC following imo. Her hairstyle as well. When will she change out of those black trousers, I wonder.
Don't shatter the illusion! She lives in a pochette and attends the opera with the tooth fairy after her zumba classes.

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