Michael Perry


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Now now Misty, that's a tad harsh lol. I quite like Michael but he did go through a stage where he was quite rude to some of the guests and also not very complimentary about some of the products. He has improved though and I do think he knows something about gardening. He knows his agapanthus from his delphiniums.

I guess you are right. I am rather rude about people sometimes. I think I have been banned for some of my comments but I am laughing when I write them, however because I’m offending some people I shall not be writing any more audacious comments and I will take this opportunity to apologise to everyone who dislikes me, I deserve it.
I guess you are right. I am rather rude about people sometimes. I think I have been banned for some of my comments but I am laughing when I write them, however because I’m offending some people I shall not be writing any more audacious comments and I will take this opportunity to apologise to everyone who dislikes me, I deserve it.
I hope you're joking Misty. You have to be joking. I can't remember your being rude, but even if you think you have been, aren't your opinions, and everyone else's, allowed?

It has always surprised me how many really good looking men turned out to be gay eg Cary Grant, the man from Torchwood, George Michael etc.
There are some really ugly ones as well!
I guess you are right. I am rather rude about people sometimes. I think I have been banned for some of my comments but I am laughing when I write them, however because I’m offending some people I shall not be writing any more audacious comments and I will take this opportunity to apologise to everyone who dislikes me, I deserve it.
I’m not offended - everyone is allowed their opinions, please keep commenting 🥰
I guess you are right. I am rather rude about people sometimes. I think I have been banned for some of my comments but I am laughing when I write them, however because I’m offending some people I shall not be writing any more audacious comments and I will take this opportunity to apologise to everyone who dislikes me, I deserve it.
You haven't been banned, we just had to remove one sentence which was offensive.
I guess you are right. I am rather rude about people sometimes. I think I have been banned for some of my comments but I am laughing when I write them, however because I’m offending some people I shall not be writing any more audacious comments and I will take this opportunity to apologise to everyone who dislikes me, I deserve it.
I'm not offended Misty, I just thought your comment about Michael was a bit personal towards him. You're allowed not to like him - there's plenty folk I've commented on in the past. Please don't take that as me disliking you as that's not the case. We all have an opinion.

I guess you are right. I am rather rude about people sometimes. I think I have been banned for some of my comments but I am laughing when I write them, however because I’m offending some people I shall not be writing any more audacious comments and I will take this opportunity to apologise to everyone who dislikes me, I deserve it.
Honestly. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and people really need to get a sense of humour! The way this country is going we very soon won’t be allowed any opinion at all unless it conforms to a proscribed ideology- I’m thinking United Kingdom of Kim Yong Un! Please carry on. It isn’t offensive to express an opinion based on fact. Yiu aren’t causing harm to anyone. Personally there are two female presenters who quite literally set my teeth on edge - Franks and Flint (sounds like a nightmare double act). Spoilt Princess Franks with her awful fashion sense and superior patronising manner and Flint with her habit of speaking to viewers like a Reception teacher reading a story to pupils. Example “what would yooooooooo do if yooooooo received this within 3 to 5 working days boys and girls “ in that stupid voice drawing every word out. So if you’re rude so am I! Audacity is good - we all need a laugh and shouldn’t take things so seriously.
Honestly. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and people really need to get a sense of humour! The way this country is going we very soon won’t be allowed any opinion at all unless it conforms to a proscribed ideology- I’m thinking United Kingdom of Kim Yong Un! Please carry on. It isn’t offensive to express an opinion based on fact. Yiu aren’t causing harm to anyone. Personally there are two female presenters who quite literally set my teeth on edge - Franks and Flint (sounds like a nightmare double act). Spoilt Princess Franks with her awful fashion sense and superior patronising manner and Flint with her habit of speaking to viewers like a Reception teacher reading a story to pupils. Example “what would yooooooooo do if yooooooo received this within 3 to 5 working days boys and girls “ in that stupid voice drawing every word out. So if you’re rude so am I! Audacity is good - we all need a laugh and shouldn’t take things so seriously.
One of the worst for sounding patronising IMO was the woman who used to be a presenter on Q - can't for the life of me remember her name (Claire?) but she had beautiful, thick blonde hair, very attractive lady. Unfortunately, she spoke to the viewers like a little girl of three, was terribly 'twee', and over-splained everything except the vital information you needed to know (like the sizes of something).
One of the worst for sounding patronising IMO was the woman who used to be a presenter on Q - can't for the life of me remember her name (Claire?) but she had beautiful, thick blonde hair, very attractive lady. Unfortunately, she spoke to the viewers like a little girl of three, was terribly 'twee', and over-splained everything except the vital information you needed to know (like the sizes of something).
Yes Clare Sutton !
Honestly. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and people really need to get a sense of humour! The way this country is going we very soon won’t be allowed any opinion at all unless it conforms to a proscribed ideology- I’m thinking United Kingdom of Kim Yong Un! Please carry on. It isn’t offensive to express an opinion based on fact. Yiu aren’t causing harm to anyone. Personally there are two female presenters who quite literally set my teeth on edge - Franks and Flint (sounds like a nightmare double act). Spoilt Princess Franks with her awful fashion sense and superior patronising manner and Flint with her habit of speaking to viewers like a Reception teacher reading a story to pupils. Example “what would yooooooooo do if yooooooo received this within 3 to 5 working days boys and girls “ in that stupid voice drawing every word out. So if you’re rude so am I! Audacity is good - we all need a laugh and shouldn’t take things so seriously.
Yes, I agree. The only thing that I think is wrong, is criticising someone about something they cannot do anything about (height, face, hands, legs, chest, age, weight, etc.) Commenting on these things, or roasting/teasing someone about them is fine with me, but unkind words about them are not. Sometimes, there's a fine line.
And Kathy Tayler !
Yes! I rather liked Kathy Taylor actually - she did the Morning Show, didn't she, and always seemed well prepared, not pushy and personable. I really do not like the pretentiousness that is Katy Pullinger - I think the point when she kept describing a quilted jacket as 'oh, this is just so Home Counties' did it for me. Stupid wannabe banker's wife that she is (Fred, watch out).
I wondered if it was because she had a special needs child.

And Kathy Tayler !
I'd forgotten Kathy Taylor! I remember a number of posters saying that her constant harping on about her daughter (?believe she'd been accepted for medical school?) got on their nerves, but I didn't watch her that often so I can't say I remember that bit. I thought she seemed quite down to earth and factual, less of the push, push, push selling style, but when I started watching again a bit more often, Kathy had vanished. No idea how long ago that was that she went?
When I was able to read the QVC Facebook page. Hoards of women acting like teenagers with their first crush over him. He was always putting up photos of himself for them to get excited over. I don't like men with beards myself.
Considering he's a friend of Dorothy they are barking up the wrong tree there!
There is a well known hunk, UK actor, not going to mention his name. But he married the vicar of Dibley on the show.

Women drool over him and he does some sexy steamy series.

Some years back on a forum a woman started raving about him and others joined in. A woman said Er, my brother went to uni with him years back and actor has been with his male partner for years. He has never come out and kept his private life to himself, which he is entitled to do. Yes, women still drool and fantasize about him.
Yes Richard Armitage.
V handsome chap!
He’s been out for all his adult life I believe, but publicly only felt comfortable to be more recently.

That fact doesn’t change how he looks though so why would women not still fancy him?

Heard people saying similar about the lovely Mark Foster - ex swimmer who presented some of Olympics recently.

When you think about it, it’s a bit odd, how people say “oh what a waste” etc when they find out a man they like is actually gay…

I know what they mean of course and I’ve probably even thought similar myself, but when you think about it, it doesn’t make much sense especially in regard to someone famous?

It’s usually said about someone they’re never likely to meet and the celeb prob wouldn’t have any interest in them if they did!
Plus it’s not a waste for other gay men?! ;)

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