Unfunny comedians


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What are people's general opinion of Miriam Margolyes? I get the impression she's "marmite". Funnily enough her farting and dodgy comments are on paper right up my street but I just can't bear the woman for some reason! I know this is pretty wrong of me to say this but most "funny women" imvho aren't really funny at all. For me Joan Rivers was the queen. Caroline Aherne (though I didn't really like Mrs Merton) was a brilliant scriptwriter and comedy actress. I know that many women have written great comedy shows and sketches, but when it comes to being able to entertain as a stand alone comedy act is a different story. Of course I know it's all subjective, but for me my faves are Sarah Millican - vulgar but loveable where as Ms Margolyes is vulgar but somehow offputting, Angela Barnes is great and of course Joan Rivers.
Ha, Margolyes comes up as a topic often with various people of a certain age I know!

Yes, marmite. Have watched her 2 Australian series. Like her directness, hello I'm Miriam, what do you do?

A bit like the Queen used to.

Also, since she's had her knees done I think she was in less pain and looked a bit happier lately, less grumpy, a fairer disposition and the little twinkle in her eye has returned a bit.

I don't mind her bodily functions and her swearing on chat shows and docos and lack of social graces is often refreshing and she's not stupid and has a good take on things and an open mind. Just a bit actor luvvie! And her acting in Harry Potter and recognition is interesting from the children she meets, yet seems to be money for old rope!

Obviously the topics close to her heart this time were more pronounced, the gay hotel in the film location, the gay influencer model.
The gay/bullied girl at school.

But then she gets a to the crux of the homelessness situation in Byron Bay, and generally in the western world. And pointed out the influencer's lack of meaning on social media! And showing the immigrant Philippino community integrated into Aussie male society.

And she's a game old bird, flying out to Broken Hill in a Cessna, if not staged!

The first series was better, covering indigenous people's lives and of regular folk.

Overall, she's an interesting character, not a recalcitrant no-personality actor, like many you see on chat shows who are hollow and seem to act to replace their own lack of character.

So more positive than negative in my view.

The real credit has to go to the research and TV crew who do all the work and prep! As always, it's the behind the scenes team that make it.
Yeah, the current TV crop are achingly politically correct for BBC/C4.

I find myself not laughing, but thinking 'hmmm, amusing cultural, social or self-reference'.

I Iike Jenny Eclair's personality, but her comedy is not for me, more a female HRT niche! But can appreciate women of a certain age howling in the aisles.

Geez, Fascinating Aida, still going?!
They are still going and very active! They regularly tour, 2 are in their 70s and look fitter than me. No, I wouldn't expect a man to enjoy Jenny Eclair's style of humour.
What are people's general opinion of Miriam Margolyes? I get the impression she's "marmite". Funnily enough her farting and dodgy comments are on paper right up my street but I just can't bear the woman for some reason! I know this is pretty wrong of me to say this but most "funny women" imvho aren't really funny at all. For me Joan Rivers was the queen. Caroline Aherne (though I didn't really like Mrs Merton) was a brilliant scriptwriter and comedy actress. I know that many women have written great comedy shows and sketches, but when it comes to being able to entertain as a stand alone comedy act is a different story. Of course I know it's all subjective, but for me my faves are Sarah Millican - vulgar but loveable where as Ms Margolyes is vulgar but somehow offputting, Angela Barnes is great and of course Joan Rivers.
Personally I think she just does it to be provocative, and to draw attention to herself. To me, her vulgarity just isn't funny. Great actress in Dickens stuff but as a person leaves me cold.
I remember going to see Roy Chubby Brown back in the mid 1980's - I think I laughed at one of his jokes, but the crowd I went with thought that he was absolutely hilarious, I kinda knew it wasn't gonna be my thing because of all the awful language but I was persuaded and my boyfriend paid. Don't get me wrong I can swear like a sailor but I use bad language when it's necessary (or necessary to me at least) never as part of my every day conversation. The ironic thing about this is he was the boyfriend I mentioned before (who walked out in the middle of Rita, Sue & Bob too 'cause he thought it was disgusting) was the one who organised this night out. At least I had the good grace to sit through it! Whilst I'm here I might as well list a few male comics I don't think are funny - John Bishop, Eddie Izzard, Mickey Flanigan, and Lee Evans. A couple of years ago I watched a show about Ken Dodd - it was proper good old school comedy and I loved it!
I actually went to see Lee Evans not my choice but we were given 2 tickets as a present from OH's niece, strange because we've never mentioned that we like him, and whilst I was never that fussed OH actually can't stand him, so he said look you go and give my ticket to one of your mates so that's what I did. It was entertaining and definitely not the worst stand up act I've ever seen, he worked really hard and sweated a lot! Some of his stuff was funny so all in all not a bad night and I don't remember him using a string of expletives to get over the point - It was a long time ago though. Our open air theatre every season includes comedy but it's never a one person show, there's usually at least 3 and I'll pick the one or ones that include a comic I know I love and if the remainder make me laugh then that's a bonus. When I bought the tickets headlined by Maisie Adam I didn't have much idea of her comedy as I'd only seen her once or twice on Richard Osman's house of games and she seemed pretty intelligent so I had high hopes and of course it was a perfect gift for my friend who absolutely loves her - I most certainly want to see her again. When you see such clever work from Lee Mack/David Mitchell/Rob Brydon and others on would I lie to you, it really brings home how crap some of this new wave are!
I remember going to see Roy Chubby Brown back in the mid 1980's - I think I laughed at one of his jokes, but the crowd I went with thought that he was absolutely hilarious, I kinda knew it wasn't gonna be my thing because of all the awful language but I was persuaded and my boyfriend paid. Don't get me wrong I can swear like a sailor but I use bad language when it's necessary (or necessary to me at least) never as part of my every day conversation. The ironic thing about this is he was the boyfriend I mentioned before (who walked out in the middle of Rita, Sue & Bob too 'cause he thought it was disgusting) was the one who organised this night out. At least I had the good grace to sit through it! Whilst I'm here I might as well list a few male comics I don't think are funny - John Bishop, Eddie Izzard, Mickey Flanigan, and Lee Evans. A couple of years ago I watched a show about Ken Dodd - it was proper good old school comedy and I loved it!
Not really impressed with any of the present ones. Don't enjoy John Bishop, find him smug and full of himself. Never liked Lee Evans' comedy, found him a bit manic and unfunny, relying on facial expressions and manic slapstick behaviour, which doesn't appeal at all. But he might be better at other things (for example, I can't stand Bradley Walsh as a game show host, just don't find him funny, only irritating, constantly asking for explanations of things that are bl&&dy obvious, but am prepared to concede he's done a couple of good acting roles).
Miriam Margolyes I can take or leave: I get the feeling she's often just saying things for effect, just wants to be controversial without really believing what she's saying, so I switch off listening at that point. I've seen her interviewed a couple of times and found her rather full of herself and just coming out with what seemed random comments, also talking over people. And although I've enjoyed some of her acting roles no way would I pay to watch her in a 'live' show.
Personally I think she just does it to be provocative, and to draw attention to herself. To me, her vulgarity just isn't funny. Great actress in Dickens stuff but as a person leaves me cold.
Not attractive, just vulgar, but natural. Don't think it's an act.
I saw Lee Evans in a film when I had no idea who he was, and certainly didn't know he was a comedian.

The film was very exciting and gripping, and he was superb in his role.

Can't remember the title - - - googling it now - - FREEZE FRAME.
BTW I recommend that film as a tense thriller, once it dawns on you what it is about.
Like Lee Mack,Rob Bryden,the late Sean Locke,Jason Manford,Bill Bailey and my favourite Rhod Gilbert. I'm sure I've missed some out.
I like Rob Brydon. I was at a jazz Christmas concert at the Royal Albert Hall a couple of years ago and he was one of the guests. He spoke for a few minutes then sang, he's got a fairly good voice.

When speaking to the audience he said "look at the state of you, who knew that Millets had an eveningwear section?"🤣. Of course we all roared with laughter (and for the record it was a fairly smart audience!).
Can’t stand Miriam Margolyes, Joan Rivers was the Queen of comedy to me, the funniest person I ever saw was Billy Connolly my sides were aching after laughing so much.🙂
And "Not going out" written by and starring Lee Mack is hilarious, and so ingenious and imaginative
I loved the earlier series’. Found them very funny, especially dopey Daisy, but can’t get on with them as a couple with kids. Think it was better when it was “will they, won’t they.
Bit like Moonlighting back in the 80’s when Maddie and David got together. Ruined it.
Can’t stand Miriam Margolyes, Joan Rivers was the Queen of comedy to me, the funniest person I ever saw was Billy Connolly my sides were aching after laughing so much.🙂
Billy is my Hubby's favourite. When I first saw him on Parkinson ,many,many years ago I couldn't understand a word he said but agree he is so funny.
The drunk walk and the incontinence knickers , hilarious.

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