Random musings and general banter.


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None of them are remotely our friends. You don’t shaft your friends on a regular basis with shonky price comparisons cut and pasted and the source blanked out with virtual Tippex. You don’t actively mislead your friends by guiding them to manufacturer websites with completely unrealistic RRPs to presumably assist mass exterior sellers at a fraction of those RRPs. You don’t slag off your own informed choice expensive purchases to somehow justify it is better buying the cheap ones you present - not to your mates, you wouldn’t. Rob isn’t your friend and rightly so doesn’t set out to be, either. But what he IS is the nearest thing to an honest seller they have there.
I feel sorry for those who are gullible enough to fall for all that 'family, friends, fun' stuff. Selly telly channels do not CARE who they're selling to, as long as they're selling ...
Well, I think I recall him saying on one presentation or other that he was bullied at school at one point - I may be wrong. He also has often said he only has good sight on one eye. This then could well be an example of guy driven to succeed in adult life and that desire driven by those childhood memories. Somebody who has made the best of themselves physically to their standards, and alongside that, has become a well-paid provider/hunter gatherer for his family.

Speaking personally, and I'm sure others on here will know from their own feelings - what happens to you in your childhood years stays with you – good or bad. We are essentially the products of those childhood experiences. I am sure he is no different. And if he was indeed bullied, that low self-esteem bullying brings to you, often remains lingering beneath the self-confident persona one develops to counteract it as you get older.
Very true. The Hollywood star David Niven in his wonderful autobiographies always expected a little man to tap him on the shoulder one day and say "you've been found out".

Maybe there is an insecurity about Mason which forces him into extrovert mode. After all attack is the best form of defence. Certainly it seems very fake at times. He craves an audience even if it's the few kids behind the camera or a few thousand viewers or even a couple of blokes down the pub.

I don't buy into his act and I don't think many on here do either.
Usual stuff from Dirty Peter - "get this, it's £6.66"

No, it isn't - it's £19.99 and £1.99 P&P for weedkiller.
He has used it on his paving, decking, ok. Sounds a big garden for a damp hovel.
He makes up so many stories

Usual stuff from Dirty Peter - "get this, it's £6.66"

No, it isn't - it's £19.99 and £1.99 P&P for weedkiller.
He has used it on his paving, decking, ok. Sounds a big garden for a damp hovel.
He said a few weeks ago, he only had room in the garden for a portable BBQ
That's so funny🤣.

He's clearly working on the assumption that Muriel and all her chums have severe memory problems so won't remember what cr*p he spouted 24 hours ago!

This just shows you what Our Friend Peter, Friend to the Stars, Star of Las Vegas really thinks of his audience😏.

Maybe 'Muriel' will come on to defend him and explain his sudden change of heart on corded and non corded vacuum cleaners. Maybe he had some kind of epiphany which made him change his views. Of course there is nothing stopping Peter coming on here as himself and defending his comments. I'm sure we'd all love that😊
He was making a point of you didn't even need to put it into turbo mode on the cordless as the standard mode left nothing in it's trail!
Here we go, Dirty Peter flogging a shower head and the price "£7.99 - THAT IS WRONG"
"There's a gasp in the studio"
"This is a mistake"

We know it isn't a mistake.
He's told Beth to buy two.
And plumbers to buy three or four of them.

Now claiming it turns an ordinary 'piddly' shower into a power shower, alright.

How do they get away with this!?

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