Recent content by Westcountrygirl55


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  1. W

    Catheirne Huntley Weight Loss

    Omg watching that was like watching paint dry. Couldn’t watch til the end.
  2. W

    Gardening with Gtech TSV 12/05/24

    I have this and after 10 minutes of use believe me lightweight is not a word I would use to describe it.
  3. W

    Ruth Langsford's Visitors

    Otherwise known as brown nosers 🤣
  4. W

    Ecoegg TSV 15/03/24

    Bought before when it was a tsv. Not impressed at all. The demonstrations shown with the egg in a tank of water is misleading. When it’s in with your clothes in washing machine there is no room for it to swirl around. I went back to washing liquid.
  5. W

    Dualit toaster

    I have this one and imho it’s the best for the reason you gave. Had mine about 12 years!