Recent content by Toadette


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  1. Toadette

    L'occitane nail & cuticle cream

    Thanks Sazza, I really liked the cream too xx
  2. Toadette

    L'occitane nail & cuticle cream

    Hi, does anyone know if the nail & cuticle cream from l'occitane has been discontinued? Icant find it on their website. TIA xx
  3. Toadette

    Kipling TSV 16/12/2014

    looks very like the Zelta....Im liking the look of this. :) x
  4. Toadette

    Kipling TSV 16/12/2014

    Any pictures yet??
  5. Toadette

    Laura Geller TSV 23/11/2014

    Hey I've sent u a PM xx
  6. Toadette

    Laura Geller TSV 23/11/2014

    Oops sorry not been on in a while and just didn't think:blush::blush:
  7. Toadette

    Laura Geller TSV 23/11/2014

    Hi Flamingo, eyeshadow £8.75 incl p&p x
  8. Toadette

    Kipling TSV 16/12/2014

    Anyone any idea what this will be yet, would love it to be the Zelta again, best kipling bag ever x
  9. Toadette

    Laura Geller TSV 23/11/2014

    Hi I bought the recent laura Geller TSV, I won't use the eyeliner, mascara or the eyeshadow if anyone interested. Tia Ellen xx
  10. Toadette

    Lulu Guinness TSV 16/08/2014

    Hi MinxyKitten, checked inside label and says its 100% leather. x
  11. Toadette

    Lulu Guinness TSV 16/08/2014

    Hi there, sorry for delay I don't always come onto the site. always thought all her bags were leather because of the price's but not sure now, I will check when I get home from work and let you know. I have it on ebay for £150 not including P&P. Regards Ellen (toadette) x
  12. Toadette

    Lulu Guinness TSV 16/08/2014

    I have a patent purple Suzy for sale if any of u ladies are interested, never been used. Cant remember how to post a pic xx
  13. Toadette

    Lulu Time Bomb TSV 19/7/14

    Anyone got a price for this TSV yet. Am I the only one who is looking forward to this lol xx
  14. Toadette

    Lulu Time Bomb TSV 19/7/14

    Im a recent convert to Timebomb, love all the products I have tried so far and what a difference they have made to my skin x
  15. Toadette

    Bose Wave Music System III TSV 05/04/14

    I was expecting a docking unit to come with the TSV as it's mentioned, is it an print error or am I being totally stupid in thinking it was included, the are around £130 to but to go with the unit but this wasn't mentioned either. x