Recent content by The Axman


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  1. The Axman

    General Banter and Random Musings

    I’ve just received an email from Watchbase UK LTD. The following sums it up, sadly. “To All Watch Followers, Firstly, let us update you in regards to Seen On TV. Unfortunately the channel has been pulled due to not taking the sales which they had hoped for in the first few weeks to keep...
  2. The Axman

    General Banter and Random Musings

    Still streaming on their website and YouTube but it looks like TV broadcasts have ceased for the time being, Freesat has stopped too, and to rub salt in the wounds IW are now broadcasting in HD - on Sky platform.
  3. The Axman

    General Banter and Random Musings

    I have lost the transmission on sky, freeview just now.