Recent content by sutheli


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  1. S

    Mally TSV 15/1/25

    There are 80 Mally items in clearance.
  2. S

    Kochblume TSV 12/02/25

    The smooth side is great for windows and mirrors.
  3. S

    Sea Salt

    Seasalt have a ‘shop’ on eBay with great prices, free postage and free returns. If you return anything your money is refunded as soon as the parcel is scanned by post office or return shop.
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    White Stuff TSV 16/08/24

    Oh dear, it’s not good. I’m a regular White Stuff wearer but not this dress. Some of the colours are awful and the blue one looks like a faded pair of curtains. There’s a great sale on the WS website just now with lovely dresses from £25.
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    Kipling TSV 26/3/24

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    White Stuff TSV 11/03/24

    I love White Stuff and buy mostly direct from the company. However if this is the TSV it won’t be falling into my basket. It’s awful 😳
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    Cooks Essentials TSV 10/01/24

    The Lakeland one is currently in their sale for £79.99.
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    Dress Sense

    He’s also modeling for the Seasalt webpage
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    Bobbi Brown TSV 11/10/23

    £70 ish
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    WynneLayers TSV 01/09/23

    This is the Costco look a like I mentioned earlier
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    WynneLayers TSV 01/09/23

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    WynneLayers TSV 01/09/23

    Costco sell something like this every winter in several patterns. I can’t remember how much it was as it’s not something I’d ever wear. I’m guessing about £35 and they always have loads reduced after Christmas
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    White Stuff 27/7/23

    Well mine arrived yesterday and it’s already on the way back. The sleeves were huge and the pattern overwhelming. It has disappeared from both the QVC and White Stuff websites so nobody can leave a review.😳
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    Malissa J Fashion TSV 25/07/23

    When you look at it online a banner comes up saying 127 people have ordered it today. In the whole of the UK only 127!!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂
  15. S

    White Stuff 27/7/23

    It’s £55 on white Stuff site and they have three of the colours shown. The navy seems to be the QVC exclusive.