Recent content by Susie Wusie


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  1. S

    Talk show

    Was flicking tho the channels, stopped on Gemporia as l had a phone call. That was at 7pm. Now 7.35 and Adina has been talking non stop and has only just started selling. She has been talking non stop about items coming up but no prices until now, 35 minutes of rubbish talk about Kimbie tat...
  2. S

    Big Deals 3/3/25 - 9/3/25

    You just do it gently on top of the nail to smooth out ridges
  3. S

    Prices candles

    And now Prices candles are on IW , only ever seen them on QVC before
  4. S

    Prices candles now on IW

    So Prices candes are on IW and Elizabeth Grant is back on IW too, l wonder do they have better deals for sellers than QVC?
  5. S

    Big Deals 3/3/25 - 9/3/25

    I use them and find them very good, especially when smoothing over top of nail , gives them a nice shine.
  6. S

    Elizabeth Grant

    Elizabeth Grant merchandise is now on Ideal World again, have they left QVC??
  7. S

    How do they get away with it

    This really annoys me just the same as often on jewellery the price is drastically reduced and the presenter cannot believe how low it has gone and says obviously a mistake and someone is in trouble for it. Absolute bs.
  8. S

    Julian Ballantyne is back

    Just saw Julian advertising a garden show on Sunday, first time l have seen him in ages, this must be his new home. He may have been on IW for a while but l have not noticed. Always found him a good presenter on QVC.
  9. S

    Random musings and general banter.

    Mmm they used to look a lot better on QVC
  10. S

    Tili 12 days of Christmas

    Thank you
  11. S

    Tili 12 days of Christmas

    This lady l mean
  12. S

    Tili 12 days of Christmas

    Can someone please satisfy my curiousity on who or where have l seen the lady showing this, her face is so familiar, not the presenter the other lady.
  13. S

    How do they get away with it

    All of their start prices are totally ridiculous, especially on jewellery which can start at £38995 and end up at £129.99!
  14. S


    Well l like watching Rob Locke. He doesn't take himself seriously, he is calm and relaxed and l find him entertaining, just what l need when l cannot sleep and turn tv on in the middle of the night.
  15. S

    Must Have Ideas - New shopping Channel Thoughts, Random Chat and 'witty banter'

    I have bought several things off their website and I paid £9.99 for free postage for a year, so is very handy.Everything i've had so far has been good quality and worthwhile buying and they keep you upto date with posting and RMail delivery times. Very efficient. Now on tv good to see Simon...