Recent content by sugar plum


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  1. S

    What's in my bathroom?

    Ideal presenter for this product: Julia - would need a size 'small' Kathy - well having watched her on craft hr - god knows where she'll put this! Charlie - could do a slow tantilizing reveal.... Julian - I'm sure niether grandma or mum have used one of these.
  2. S

    Rocks & Co

    I have bought loads from Rocks & Co - their quality, prices and designs are just great IMO. The CS does leave a lot to be desired, though... I gather they are quite a small team, prices are fantastic. so fingers crossed no faulty goods!
  3. S

    BLITZ bed bug spray

    I'm sure I read that freezing also kills the little buggers, must get a bigger chest freezer and spring fresh the mattresses!!
  4. S

    Double Delight Day

    I just saw you scoop that Calico..looked like an 'essential item' from where I'm sitting! lol
  5. S

    Rocks & Co

    Hiya, posted here as I picked up the top tip from this forum. As a dedicated qvc jewellery junkie I thought I'd take a look; uess I was trying to share my excitement at what I found!
  6. S

    Rocks & Co

    Hi All, Having picked up some tips from here, I've visited rocks & co for the first time today, wow totally hooked! 4 items for just 1 p&p charge of £5.95 and their jewellery is fantastic, prices are absolutely brilliant. Yet to see what cs is like. x
  7. S

    Kirks Folly tsv

    Umm... I must confess I don't have anything from this range, but have on occassions thought some pieces hold a rather 'twee appeal' however, the tsv is trully awful... what happened at qvc towers to let this slip through the net!
  8. S

    Make do & Mend

    Don't apologoise Topaz. I think this a perfect example of what is so good about the forum. It's not just a shopaholics anon... we all help and advise one another on getting best value, saving money and finding the very best deal! Great to be part of such a fab team!!!
  9. S

    Received used goods - disgusting!

    OMG Judging by the 'new range' of produucts QVC are introducing, I also feel there may be cause for restraint. Betty femine hair dye - want to borrow the comb...
  10. S

    Make do & Mend

    Hi All, Is it just me or are others feeling quite anxious about the economy and outlook at the moment. QVC are quite clearly 'putting' additional measures into place ie recycling products to try and minimize any loss. It's clear from the threads that this really isn't just the odd isolated...
  11. S

    Betty Go Away Grey Intimate Hair Dye

    Oh dear! Oh dear.. not a good idea. I now belatedly appreciate my need for the aforementioned femine grooming. Quite frankly the garden has been rather neglected, it is dreadfully overgrown and never mind the Betty, now feel a urgent need for Hetty hedge trimmer! Will definately have to tackle...
  12. S

    Betty Go Away Grey Intimate Hair Dye

    Thanks for posting the link! Wow almost multi tonal, with conditioning properties, and a lovely odour... umm not sure I'd be waving Heidi's mascara brush around too much..who knows where its been!!
  13. S

    Diamonique Glamour Grey Collection

    Didn't see that, can you remember what kind of style the ring was ? They seem to get fab reviews, but I don't want anything too bling!
  14. S

    Diamonique Glamour Grey Collection

    Any idea's re tonights TSV
  15. S

    Easy pay racket

    Umm, that's why I posted. It really wasn't deliberate and I was really surprised to receive the call from CS to inform me 'payment unable to be processed' like yourself the item had been returned well before the payment was due but took a whole month to 'turn up'!!