Recent content by SuePooh


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  1. S

    QVC beauty brands and animal testing

    I found a brilliant brand E.L.F and they DO NOT test on animals (and they're american) their products are reasonably:mysmilie_47: priced and work really well.. worth try IMO :mysmilie_492:
  2. S

    Philosophy TSV 18/10/2014

    Does anyone know what is in this yet? TIA
  3. S

    Philosophy TSV 31/10/12

    Thanks oney is safe unfortunately xxxx
  4. S

    Philosophy TSV 31/10/12

    does anyone have any news on this yet? xx:clapping:
  5. S

    Philosophy TSV 31/10/12

    the only grace I ever liked was baby.....why oh why are their TSV's always the same old stuff? Please let us have some skincare or make up or bath/shower gels............ We can dream!!!!!
  6. S

    Philosophy TSV 31/10/12

    Philosophy TSV 31/10/12 Does anyone have any ideas on this one? Hope it's not more Grace............. :star::star::star::star::star::star::star::star::star::star::star::star::star::star:
  7. S

    OPI TSV 22nd May 2012

    BUMP!!!!! Can't wait to find out what this one is :)
  8. S

    OPI TSV - 24th November

    BOO :( I really wanted Muppets. My money is safe
  9. S

    OPI TSV - 24th November

    hope not Woodstock - I've got my hopes up for Muppets lol
  10. S

    OPI TSV - 24th November

    Fresh fabulous. Would be good to get some of the "plain" colours and some glitter. Here's hoping :)
  11. S

    OPI TSV - 24th November

    Hope you like them
  12. S

    OPI TSV - 24th November

    you don't need a strady hand to do glitter tips as it's better dabbed on and is very fogiving if you make a mistake :) Give it a go - I always get lots of compliments when I do it :)
  13. S

    OPI TSV - 24th November

    I have been wearing fresh frog....., rainbow connection and getting miss a "french" with other colours and they look great I think you can wear anything (job allowing) even glitter. If you like it wear it I say :rock:
  14. S

    Nails Inc TSV 12/8/11

    :sad:no magnetic polish by the looks of'll no doubt feature during the day though.
  15. S

    Nails Inc TSV 12/8/11

    Please please please ladies.....anyone know what it is yet (I sounded a bit Rolf Harris there!!!) x