Recent content by strimerman


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  1. S

    Weirdness of CS

    I might decide to open one eventually...but like my nice short memebership number lol. In the meantime I shall continue with the card I am using and let them remain in blissful ignorance again....what surprises me is that no-one put a note on the account about my earlier call and warning them...
  2. S

    Weirdness of CS

    Hi, I do read the forum but am an infrequent poster.....but felt I had to post this. I have had an account with QVC since the year dot in DH's name. We have seperate bank accounts and always have done. It has almost always been my card that is used on the account. Somewhile ago I had reason...
  3. S

    Beauty tsv

    Hi, I am going to be away and am not sure I will be able to tune in to QVC for the BEAUTY MAKEOVERS TSV......anyone have any clues to what this might be? Thanks, L
  4. S

    The Gift of Frangrance

    Hi, Does anyone how what "The Gift of Frangrance" will be on 23/2? I was hoping for a Pecksniffs...would love to try it
  5. S

    Smashbox Glam to Go

    I will take a look...thanks
  6. S

    Smashbox Glam to Go

    Hi, Just wondered if anyone else had ordered item 227257 I ordered this and had some problem with my payment which I was unaware of. Having resloved that I then checked my on line account only to find that it said "awaiting...
  7. S

    Newbie QVC Beauty Addict Questions

    Hi, Am new here....stumbled upon this site a few weeks ago had a look and it seems a mine of info....hence the fact that I have come back and joined. Used to shop on QVC loads a few years back...stopped for a good while....other half wishes I had never rediscovered it lol I wonder if everyone...