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  • stratobuddy
    stratobuddy replied to the thread Bowls are bowls ....
    I know it is not good for me, and I am actually now fed up of them, and 2 minutes ago she msgd me to say she has more for me! If I only...
  • stratobuddy
    stratobuddy reacted to Battiola73's post in the thread KitchenAid TSV 15/09/24 with Like Like.
    I used to make all my cakes using a wooden spoon. These days I struggle with an electric hand mixer as it seems to aggravate my...
  • stratobuddy
    stratobuddy reacted to merryone's post in the thread KitchenAid TSV 15/09/24 with Haha Haha.
    'Cause they hopefully won't be thin after stuffing all the yummy cakes and treats they're gonna be knocking up every night with their...
  • stratobuddy
    stratobuddy replied to the thread Bowls are bowls ....
    I'm not sure if I should admit this (but I will) - - one of my neighbours gets LOADS of food that supermarkets would otherwise throw...
  • stratobuddy
    stratobuddy reacted to Craftalot's post in the thread Bowls are bowls ... with Like Like.
    This really makes me cross, too. It's so wasteful and thoughtless. It was always drummed into me that it was a terrible thing to do...
  • stratobuddy
    stratobuddy reacted to Grizelda's post in the thread KitchenAid TSV 15/09/24 with Like Like.
    Have you tried making butter in it? The demonstration looked so easy.
  • stratobuddy
    stratobuddy reacted to candycane's post in the thread Bowls are bowls ... with Like Like.
    Jilly Jones was really good, knew her stuff. Simon Brown as well. The Lock and Lock man used to be Malcolm I think and he was a far...
  • stratobuddy
    stratobuddy reacted to Battiola73's post in the thread Bowls are bowls ... with Like Like.
    I think that was Jilly Jones who used to do the Calico cottage fudge kits. She was also excellent with the Easiyo but then the BA was...
  • stratobuddy
    stratobuddy reacted to beach1e's post in the thread Bowls are bowls ... with Like Like.
    i remember watching once , I think the demonstrator was called Jilly, it was a good few years ago( she was a great demonstrator that...
  • stratobuddy
    stratobuddy reacted to Grizelda's post in the thread Worst demo ever? with Like Like.
    I didn't watch this, but L & L is such a good price on QVC. Could they have sold out of products and had to improvise?
  • stratobuddy
    stratobuddy replied to the thread KitchenAid TSV 15/09/24.
    My Kenwood chef (with liquidiser attachment) is about 40 years old and works fine, but I have hardly ever used it, so am thinking of...
  • stratobuddy
    stratobuddy reacted to Battiola73's post in the thread KitchenAid TSV 15/09/24 with Like Like.
    A friend of mine has a Kenwood Chef that she git as a wedding present 60 years ago. She uses it most days. She has had it serviced and...
  • stratobuddy
    stratobuddy reacted to Battiola73's post in the thread Worst demo ever? with Like Like.
    I have a few LnL pieces but I too struggle to get the lids off sometimes. I’ve split the skin round my thumbnails numerous times. I’ve...
  • stratobuddy
    stratobuddy reacted to alisonwt's post in the thread Worst demo ever? with Wow Wow.
    Possibly because on another showing, Gill almost took her fingertips off trying to open the flip lid - because of the arthritis in her...
  • stratobuddy
    stratobuddy reacted to Totally Loopy Lou's post in the thread Worst demo ever? with Like Like.
    Not up to looking atm but had to watch that one - and you’re right it’s awful!! As you say, they don’t even so much as tough the...