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  1. S

    Random musings/no argument zone

    Caroline was on TJC the other night.
  2. S

    Random musings/no argument zone

    No, I don't think you are being over sensitive. I agree entirely with merryone and feel sorry for anyone who has lost his/her job. Fair enough to have a pop at some of the presenters and their practice if it offends you, but some folk on here seem to have got a real kick out of people losing...
  3. S

    Random musings/no argument zone

    Is Price Drop changing too?
  4. S

    Lynsey Pow

    That is so sad. She was lovely.
  5. S

    Sack dawbags

    I like Anne too. I don't mind any of them that much and wouldn't like to see any of them out of a job, even if I didn't especially enjoy their presenting style.
  6. S

    O.K! Now is there anyone we like?

    I really like Cindy Humphrey - just a pity they keep her for the early shifts on Speed. Alex Kramer and Elisa are really good too. As for the male presenters, probably like Adam the best. Used to enjoy it when they put two presenters on together.
  7. S

    New Presenter - Alex Kramer

    I thought she did a fantastic job. Is she full time on the channel?
  8. S

    Dennis Basso

    Basso almost let it slip last night when he was saying of one of his coats, "if this was real fur in one of my...(then he corrected himself)...all other stores, this would cost 10,000'. Hideous.
  9. S

    Mike Smith thread?

    I agree Happygolucky. I just switched on when that was happening and thought the female assistant looked really uncomfortable.
  10. S

    Easiyo - Any Good?

    I've had mine for about a year now - the fruit ones set well but, as someone said above, some of them taste a bit synthetic (particularly the raspberry). My favourite flavours (in terms of taste) are the vanilla a, caramel and banana but every time I make them, they seem to turn out a bit...
  11. S

    Was Dave Bradford mentioned on qvc?

    I saw that. If I remember correctly, Juilan made some kind of remark when presenting the Medion laptop. I think it was about doing something unethical and he folllowed it up with, 'If there are any lawyers watching, the name's Dave Bradford'. Just can't remember exactly what it was -...
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    New Dell Netbook Guest Nana

    I really liked Nana Akua when she was on Bid-Up - brilliant personality and infectious laugh. Great to see her back on TV.
  13. S


    SA not on until 9.30 tonight. Anyone know what is going on? Cindy and Chris also said yesterday that they're on PD today. Doesn't sound good for SA.
  14. S

    Caroline Lindsay!!!

    I'd never seen her on any of the other channels but thought she was really good on PD yesterday - really lively and seemed to know her products. Just not sure why they need other staff given that they have loads of part-timers/freelancers they hardly use.
  15. S

    Outlet Live

    Is there a difference? They just seem to sell the same stuff at the same price. Never mind, we'll soon have the warehouse clearance once Christmas is over and that'll be....just the same. By the way, stay clear of the Head razor - not that it's dangerous; it just doesn't shave anything.