Recent content by Silversurfer


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  1. Silversurfer

    The Down Memory Lane thread...

    What a wonderful thread. I remember cake being sold by the pound in Woolworths, one large slab of sponge cut into 4 pound portions whilst the fruit cake, if memory serves me well cut into 8 portions. Brokes, that meant searching through the tins on the biscuit counter for damaged biccies, all...
  2. Silversurfer

    OMG on fire

    I am now really worried as both my Sons bought one so they could throw some chips in to cook while they went off to have a shower after work. I have told them about this thread and never to leave thiers unattended
  3. Silversurfer

    Kara Baker

    Debbie Flint is presenting on
  4. Silversurfer

    Create & Craft Membership £10 Credit

    I had to ring in my order to get my credit, took 5 minutes from start to finish and that was with them asking me a few questions confirming delivery address etc. Thereafter I can just use the www HTH Annie x
  5. Silversurfer

    The free gift for just P & P

    Thanks so much, I'm off to have a closer look on C & C
  6. Silversurfer

    The free gift for just P & P

    Saw it last night but didn't take down number, know it is papers and have looked at website but cannot find this months gift, Anybody who can help please?
  7. Silversurfer

    SBC TSV's - Arnica 1 litre

    Usually twice a year, used to buy it for late MIL when it became available. I have a 1 ltr Arnica here with only 1 ot 2 pumps out od it if you are interested, PM me and we can discuss
  8. Silversurfer

    Silky Soft Complete

    I did two lower legs, need to strip off a bit more to do further:thinking2:Brilliant is all I can say
  9. Silversurfer

    Philip Kingsley TSV

    SCW, where are you??
  10. Silversurfer

    ? QVC's Ecotan product
  11. Silversurfer

    IW and C&C Website Down Again

    A rule for one and a rule for the other. Now I have to convince OH I need something more to use my £10....I knew I shouldn't have got involved. hehehehe. I'll listen to sense on day
  12. Silversurfer

    Andy Love Topless

    omg ! he looks like a pudding:ANYWORD:
  13. Silversurfer

    IW and C&C Website Down Again

    So what you are saying is that you got your £10 off by using the internet? That is what Steph constantly repeated but when I asked the CS I was told I have to make another order to get my £10 bonus back but only by ringing the order through. Regarding the constant refreshing to submit an order...
  14. Silversurfer

    IW and C&C Website Down Again

    I have just spent 15 minutes trying to get through to the call centre to complain that Steph repeatedly told us to go online and order craft products and use our £10 discount. What she failed to say was that you had to PHONE up the 0870 number to obtain your £10 voucher. I spent around £50...
  15. Silversurfer

    Can Anyone Help Please?

    They are called STYLEE. They have their own web site at HTH Annie