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      Silver Fox replied to the thread The Presenters!.
      My accent isn't too dissimilar to that of Justine from Julien McDonald. Hope that's not a bad thing 😆 She was on TV this a.m she has a...
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      Silver Fox replied to the thread The Presenters!.
      I thank every day that regional accents are no longer taboo.I was mocked when I left Northern England for college in the Midlands with...
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      Silver Fox replied to the thread OPI TSV 3/9/24.
      When my nails needed serious attention I used Leighton Denny Renovate it did the job for me better than any other including OPI.
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      Silver Fox reacted to alter ego's post in the thread Big Deal - NOT with Like Like.
      But can you quick draw them like John Wayne?
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      Silver Fox replied to the thread Eilidh Nairn.
      Good luck with your house move, I still shudder after my last move and the seemingly chaotic goings on. Not improved by my stupid buyers...
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      Silver Fox reacted to Battiola73's post in the thread Autumn Fashion on the 'Catwalk' with Like Like.
      Whenever I see the presenters wearing these type of dresses, it always reminds me of Joyce Grenfell’s As Stately as a Galleon and John...
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      Silver Fox reacted to Looby Loo's post in the thread Kim & Co TSV 02/09/24 with Like Like.
      Oh God, what an awful dress!
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      Silver Fox reacted to Lilo Lil's post in the thread Kim & Co TSV 02/09/24 with Like Like.
      Ole Kimmy couldn’t spare the time to come over to the UK, again! I would be very surprised if Kim had any input into this offering …...
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      Silver Fox replied to the thread Kim & Co TSV 02/09/24.
      Back in the day some of Kim’s print offerings were tasteful and yes, very nice.Then something changed and now they are mostly loud and...
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      I caught sight of the Flinty during a Sketchers presentation.She was wearing a dress blue with white flowers which I thought print OK...
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      Silver Fox reacted to Craftalot's post in the thread Tess Daly with Like Like.
      I didn't see the show - who was fawning presenting with Tess? I bet Ruthless is sharpening her claws as we speak.
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      Silver Fox replied to the thread Tess Daly.
      Agree SW and his brand have a long history.I remember his shop in South Molton St. as far back as the 1960/70’s when his ‘lizard’ pins...
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      Silver Fox reacted to Clothescloth's post in the thread Tess Daly with Like Like.
      Simon Wilson gets away with it because he is already well known for his jewellery, and has had a quite famous shop for donkeys years...
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      Silver Fox reacted to PhaedrusR's post in the thread Free p&p day with Like Like.
      Yes, but as a seller you can split out the p&p as a separate cost, or include it in your product price and say it comes with free p&p...
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      Silver Fox replied to the thread Tess Daly.
      I had a look at this online and only saw a few minutes of the presentation one which was a layered necklace costing about £70? I think...
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